[packager interface suggestion] Adding packages to buildroot directly from updates-testing

Henrik Nordström henrik at henriknordstrom.net
Mon Dec 20 21:57:58 UTC 2010

mån 2010-12-20 klockan 16:01 -0500 skrev Tom Callaway:

> I think a simpler idea is a minimal webapp (and perhaps a CLI interface)
> that lets you login with your FAS account and request an override on a
> built package that you have permissions for (and at the same time,
> choose how long the override lasts from a list of predefined lengths),
> and let a backend process handle the enable/disable.

The problem with overrides is that those are outside the normal
dependency tracking. And additionally (unless we talk personal
overrides) affects builds of other packages for the same dist target.

By using BuildRequires we get
* full traceability
* using a single interface we use all day for maintaining the packages
* and done per build where needed.
* with no infrastructure overhead
* implemented by "only" a change in yum dependency resolution to use
fallback repositories (i.e. updates-testing).


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