[packager interface suggestion] Adding packages to buildroot directly from updates-testing

Jesse Keating jkeating at redhat.com
Mon Dec 20 22:42:28 UTC 2010

On 12/20/10 1:57 PM, Henrik Nordström wrote:
> mån 2010-12-20 klockan 16:01 -0500 skrev Tom Callaway:
>> I think a simpler idea is a minimal webapp (and perhaps a CLI interface)
>> that lets you login with your FAS account and request an override on a
>> built package that you have permissions for (and at the same time,
>> choose how long the override lasts from a list of predefined lengths),
>> and let a backend process handle the enable/disable.
> The problem with overrides is that those are outside the normal
> dependency tracking. And additionally (unless we talk personal
> overrides) affects builds of other packages for the same dist target.
> By using BuildRequires we get
> * full traceability
> * using a single interface we use all day for maintaining the packages
> * and done per build where needed.
> * with no infrastructure overhead
> * implemented by "only" a change in yum dependency resolution to use
> fallback repositories (i.e. updates-testing).
> Regards
> Henrik

Perhaps you don't understand how the buildsystem works.  The build
system does not use our external "Updates" or "updates-testing"
repositories.  It doesn't use multiple repositories either.  It uses an
internal repository that is the "latest" version of each package that is
tagged in the inheritance tree for 'dist-f14-build' for example.

There is nowhere for yum to "fall back" to within koji.

Jesse Keating
Fedora -- Freedom² is a feature!
identi.ca: http://identi.ca/jkeating

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