RFC: Primary architecture promotion requirements

Brian C. Lane bcl at redhat.com
Tue Apr 24 17:05:36 UTC 2012

On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 04:13:40PM -0400, Jared K. Smith wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 3:42 PM, Matthew Garrett <mjg59 at srcf.ucam.org> wrote:
> > Because if you have hardware that can install via Anaconda and you don't
> > support installing via Anaconda, you're not Fedora.
> Just for the sake of argument, our Amazon EC2 images aren't using
> Anaconda for installation, but they're still considered part of
> Fedora.

That's why I recently added EC2 support to livemedia-creator. Since I
don't have an EC2 account it is untested -- help would be appreciated.

> I agree with the sentiment that Anaconda should be a requirement for
> instances where it makes sense to boot from bootable media
> (DVD/CD/USB) and install via Anaconda, but in the case of ARM, the
> traditional installation method is often "copy an image to an SD (or
> micro-SD) card and then boot from that card.  Just to make sure I'm
> clear, are you insisting that the software tool that puts the image on
> the SD card be Anaconda, or are you OK with some other Fedora-approved
> tool for doing so?

We should be able to make images using livemedia-creator -- It needs to
be run on the target hardware though, currently there is no cross-arch
support. The last I heard from ARM was that Anaconda wasn't built for

The goal of creating lmc was to use Anaconda's logic for all installs,
including creating system images or live media.. This will increase
reliability and cut down on the number of bugs we see because
livecd-creator really is just a wrapper around a yum chroot install.

Brian C. Lane | Anaconda Team | IRC: bcl #anaconda | Port Orchard, WA (PST8PDT)
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