Mozilla enabled ads in Firefox and they're active in Fedora

Gerald B. Cox gbcox at
Tue Nov 18 17:44:04 UTC 2014

On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 9:25 AM, Tomas Radej <tradej at> wrote:

> Based on the aforementioned, I think it's infinitely easier to fix Firefox
> than push for Chromium.

I am aware of bugs you mentioned.  The fact remains that Chromium is the
only viable alternative to Firefox... so if we're interested in providing
an alternative to Firefox then we need resolve the blocking bugs.
Regarding "a few packets being sent to Google"... that could be anything or
nothing.  If you're curious then I would suggest you open a bug with the
Chromium project and ask.  I'm not at all concerned about it, and FWIW
people are accusing Mozilla of the exact same thing.
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