Sponsor shortage

Kevin Fenzi kevin at scrye.com
Mon Jul 13 13:44:34 UTC 2015

So, I'll reply here, but I'm replying in general to the thread not the
last post in particular. ;) 

This topic seems to come up from time to time and we never really
"solve" it, but a mix of old and new ideas here I think has some

* There's movement to make an app for new package reviews and move it
  out of bugzilla. I think this would help us out allowing more
  automation and not showing sponsors things that aren't ready yet
  (unless they want to look at them) and also allow submitters more
  visibility into where they are in the process. 

* I like the idea of suggesting to new submittors that they maintain
  their new package in a copr and keep it up to date with upstream
  changes, and review suggestions. I think that would give them more
  practical experence in maintaining and also show to sponsors that
  they are willing to do that work.

* The co-maintainer path I think is a good one for some people, but I
  am not sure how to really give it more visibility. I think my hope
  when we added that was that there would be people who would be active
  in reporting bugs/providing patches for some packages and would be
  natural to add as co-maintainers, but I am not sure this has really

Anyhow, just some early morning thoughts... back to coffee.

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