On the localization infrasturcutre of the Docs project

Dimitri Glezos glezos at transifex.com
Fri Jan 25 20:31:00 UTC 2013

On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 6:48 PM, Petr Kovar <pkovar at redhat.com> wrote:
> We mention the L10n management system for each guide in this table:
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_guides_table

I hate to be the one asking the obvious.. but on this topic I feel
that very little is being discussed openly. Some obvious Qs, some of
which have been pointed out in the past by a number of people:

- Have any blocker issues been raised to the Transifex team and
  haven't been addressed? The issue in question has been asked
  just 10 days ago, and replied to the same day.. [1]

- Have the costs of having two separate platforms been carefully &
  openly weighted by the L10n community? Has it discussed, requested
  and approved the usage of another platform?

- Since the Fedora Infrastructure has not approved the RFR [2],
  why has this been deployed outside of Fedora and privately pushed?

Right now, a different platform is being shoved down the L10n team's
throat without any public discussion or effort to work on top of
what we have. This is just wrong. We're Fedora, we can do way better
than this guys.


[1]: https://github.com/transifex/transifex-client/issues/25
[2]: http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/infrastructure/2011-June/010532.html

Dimitri Glezos
Founder & CEO, Transifex

Social Localization Crowdsourcing

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