Why Firefox is not a good choice of browser for a KDE/Plasma-based product

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at chello.at
Thu Apr 3 10:44:49 UTC 2014

(Sorry for the wrong threading, Gmane is still out of order and not syncing in 
either direction. :-( )

g wrote:
> whoa, horse.
> so, are you saying people should be against firefox because the author
> is a faggot?

No, because he is AGAINST gay marriage, i.e. HE's the homophobic asshole, not 

> then maybe we should all stop using anything that relies on javascript.

That wouldn't be a bad thing either. ;-)

> i am not saying that 'lgbt' is ok,

No comment.

And is THIS:
the user experience we want to achieve? What impression do you think it will 
make on our users if they get that kind of message on a website they visit? 
What if more sites follow suit?

        Kevin Kofler

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