Why Firefox is not a good choice of browser for a KDE/Plasma-based product

g geleem at bellsouth.net
Thu Apr 3 13:06:53 UTC 2014

On 04/03/14 05:44, Kevin Kofler wrote:
> (Sorry for the wrong threading, Gmane is still out of order and not
> syncing in either direction. :-( )
> g wrote:
>> whoa, horse.
>> so, are you saying people should be against firefox because the
>> author is a faggot?
> No, because he is AGAINST gay marriage, i.e. HE's the homophobic
> asshole, not me!

ok. on your clarification.

but, i do not see why Eich is wrong in his stand, nor, that his
being against lgbt makes him an asshole. he has as much right to
be against them as you seem to have for them.

by both moral and religious guides, he is more right than you are.

plus, who called you an asshole?

>> then maybe we should all stop using anything that relies on
>> javascript.
> That wouldn't be a bad thing either. ;-)

maybe not. but what would you replace it with?

>> i am not saying that 'lgbt' is ok,
> No comment.


> And is THIS: http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-26830383 the user
> experience we want to achieve? What impression do you think it will
> make on our users if they get that kind of message on a website they
> visit? What if more sites follow suit?

as far as sites go with their messages about using mozilla,
well, is that not a part of what freedom of speech is all about.

as i read it and other articles i have read about Eich, there
is way too much blowing [excuse wording :-)] out of proportion
Eich's personal opinion and what his potentials are as head of

just because he is against lgbt does not mean he is not capable
of running mozilla. who knows, he may even get after firefox
devs to do better and stop trying to imitate gaagle chrome.

what would be fitting, in a hilarious way, is if somehow someone
came up with an add-on for firefox that would pop up a window
with something like "Warning. This site is pro lgbt." of course,
i am just joking.

also, to me, the lgbt group is making way too much noise about
something that would be best toned down and left alone
altogether. continued bitching will do nothing but cause more


peace out.

in a world with out fences, who needs gates.



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