Taskotron depcheck question

John Dulaney j_dulaney at live.com
Wed Nov 5 14:34:44 UTC 2014

>Could you explain why you take i686 package from x86-32 repository and check
>it against x86_64 repository?
>As far as I know alternative-architecture multi-lib packages are distributed
>in the same repository as packages for the main architectue. E.g.
>glibc-devel.i686 is in x86_64 repository, hence glibc-devel is mutlilib.
>glibc-headers.i686 is not in the the x86_64, hence glibc-headers is not
>-- Petr

Are you building miniz as multilib?  Depcheck checks the x86_64 and i686
repos separately; it is not pulling out of the i686 repo here.


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