Getting ready for 0.8: rc1 and string freeze

Rui Gouveia rui.gouveia at
Tue Mar 2 17:33:58 UTC 2010



A side question. Can anybody clarify the differences in porpose between
Transifex and Pootle.

I installed pootle on Fedora just to try a web translation tools and I
found some nice features. IMHO, some are way ahead of Transifex. Does
the roadmap of Transifex includes some of these? If so, why not just use

I'm not trying to start a flame war. I'm just trying to understand these
tools better.

Thanks for your time.

Rui Gouveia

Em 26-02-2010 19:05, Dimitris Glezos escreveu:
> I'm happy to announce that Transifex 0.8 Release Candidate 1 is out.
> This marks the string-freeze for 0.8, so dear translators, please do
> fire up Lotte and help us release in as many languages as possible.
> Our goal for this release is 15 languages. =)
> -d

Rui Gouveia

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