Another funny update?

David Boles dgboles at
Tue Jun 15 21:05:33 UTC 2010

On 6/15/2010 4:35 PM, Kevin Martin wrote:
> On 06/15/2010 02:30 PM, mike cloaked wrote:
>> On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 7:33 PM, Bruno Wolff III <bruno at> wrote:
>> I used to use kmod-nvidia(-PAE) and what I used to do was:
>> yum check-update
>> Then if there was a kernel but no kmod update listed then I did an
>> update excluding the kernel -
>> Later in the day do it again and if the kmod is then available do a
>> complete update -
>> Is that so difficult?
>> I also used to use akmod-nvidia and found after some trial and error
>> that there was no -PAE version whereas there was a -PAE version of
>> kmod-nvidia-PAE so one had to be a little careful about exactly which
>> package to use!
>> Hope this helps.
> Not so difficult, just seems like it should be unnecessary.  If there
> are dependencies in installed components that will be broken by an
> update then the update shouldn't be offered/shown by yum/packagekit
> until the an updated dependency is satisfied (that sounds odd to me but
> I hope you understand what I mean).

Fedora provides you, free of charge, a perfectly good, working,
operating system. And they maintain that system. As provided.

You modified it by adding a package, or packages, from a non Fedora
site(s). Fedora provided improvements and bug fixes for the system that
they provide and maintain that 'broke' when you modified that system?

You modified your system. So you should fix it.



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