(F13, KDE) ugly, grey system tray icons after update

Tom Horsley horsley1953 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 9 10:55:27 UTC 2010

On Tue, 9 Nov 2010 04:12:39 -0600
Steven P. Ulrick wrote:

> these monochromatic icons really are worse

The thing that kills me about icons all the time is
the reason they exist at all. The theory is that the
human brain does visual recognition better than text
recognition, so the familiar icons improve recognition
time and the usability of the interface.

That being the case, then why the heck does every app
and every interface on the planet feel the need to CHANGE
the dadgum icons in every release? Are aliens in charge
and they are using the computers of the world to drive
everyone schizoid so they can take over?

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