And don't let the door hit you on the way out

Robert Myers rbmyersusa at
Thu Jul 5 01:53:05 UTC 2012

On Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 7:51 PM, Lee <ny6p01 at> wrote:
> Oss are usually designed with a particular end user in mind. Your experience
> is a testament to that. You should use imho whichever OS seems most
> comfortable. That is the reason multiple OSs exist: to give people a choice
> to run whichever one seems most suitable to them.
> I, personally prefer Linux (any flavor) to Windows, but I am not evangelical
> on the subject. I recognize there is room for multiple povs. :)
Thanks to those who have responded with helpful suggestions or advice.
 To those who spend their lives heaping abuse on others on the
Internet, perhaps this outlet for your aggression will prevent some
manifestation where you can actually harm someone.

I have actually already had instances of Ubuntu running, because it
supports a relatively important software package that Fedora does not.
 I can, of course, always get the tarball and compile for Fedora, but
it's a big package, and my experience has been that there is almost
always a gotcha.

My Ubuntu machines found the NetBIOS network and joined it without any
intervention on my part, but it took me years to become competent with
Samba on Red Hat/Fedora.  For those who wish to claim that there is no
difference between the two OS's as to Windows-friendliness, I beg to

I know people who go WAY back in this business.  The people I mostly
know build or design hardware or use computers for technical
applications.  Many of them would say and have said similar things as
I have said about the masters of the universe who control what
"lusers" see.

To those here who are both competent and human, you have my entire
sympathies, as there appear to be those who are either not both or who
are perhaps neither.  I will probably keep instances of Fedora running
and I will probably continue futzing around with trying to find a real
bare-metal solution that isn't a commercial ripoff.

Robert Myers

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