how to disable tmpfs

Chris Adams linux at
Fri Aug 8 15:46:24 UTC 2014

Once upon a time, Dennis Kaptain <dennis.kaptain at> said:
> While lurking on the list, I learned in a thread "Cannot make a copy
> of video DVD with k3b" that the way fedora is configured, tmpfs will
> consume 50% of my RAM and mount itself in /tmp. If you have gobs of
> RAM I suppose you'd never miss it unless you are doing serious video
> editing or something like that.

There's a lot of misinformation about this.  The tmpfs does _not_
"consume 50% of [your] RAM".  The maximum size of a tmpfs defaults to
50% of RAM, but it only uses space as needed.  Also, space used in tmpfs
can be pushed to swap (so if you run low on RAM, files in tmpfs will be
pushed out to swap on disk to free up RAM for programs).

Chris Adams <linux at>

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