F21: Thunderbird insists on calling Fedora list messages junk!

Rick Stevens ricks at alldigital.com
Tue Jul 28 22:16:25 UTC 2015

On 07/28/2015 02:25 PM, William wrote:
> On 07/28/2015 02:17 PM, William wrote:
>> Good afternoon,
>> On 07/23/2015 03:00 PM, William wrote:
>>> Good afternoon,
>>> Most messages received from this fedora list are labelled junk by
>>> Thunderbird.  This is even though I whitelisted "From" =
>>> "users-request at lists.fedoraproject.org".  Actually, I have this
>>> problem both in my Fedora-21 and my windows-7 systems.  Any ideas?
>>> Surely messages from this list are not junk!
>>> thanks,
>>> Bill.
>> My original message was vague; my apologies.  The Fedora list messages
>> were not being put into the "Bulk Mail" folder.  Rather, they were
>> being flagged with a little "flame" symbol in the inbox table of
>> contents, and between the message header and the message body.
>> Clicking the "Not Junk" button clears that flame symbol, but it
>> reappears again shortly after.  Also, not all fedora list messages are
>> flagged with the flame symbol; but most are.  I see no pattern as to
>> which are and which are not.
>> > Seriously, I've gotten rid of that issue by whitelisting any message
>> > where the To: field contains users at lists.fedoraproject.org and haven't
>> > had one drop into the Junk folder since.
>> Thank-you.
>> I tried that.  No change; same behavior.  It also doesn't matter when
>> I set the filter to be run.  I checked for other user filters; there
>> are none.  I have several e-mail accounts in Thunderbird, but this
>> problem shows up only for Fedora list messages, and only in the one
>> e-mail account that I use for the Fedora list.  If I recall correctly,
>> this problem started showing up in late spring.  Is anyone else seeing
>> this behavior?  Is there something in the Fedora list message headers
>> that is bugging Thunderbird's spam-checking code, and can be
>> adjusted?  This seems to not be a Thunderbird issue and not a Fedora
>> issue, but a Fedora list issue.
>> thanks,
>> Bill.
>  > Try this: remove the filter completely and close the list of filters.
>  > Then, reopen the list and create a new filter, giving it a different
>  > name and typing in the email address from scratch instead of using
>  > Copy/Paste.  It sounds a tad heavy-handed, but there's a possibility
>  > that there's a non-printing character stuck in there that's fscking
>  > things up.
> Thank-you Joe.  I tried what you suggested.  No change.  I also tried
> deleting *all* the filters, exiting Thunderbird, and re-launching
> Thunderbird.  Still the same behavior.  But it sure seemed like a good
> theory.
> I raised this issue because it is unique to the Fedora list, though I
> experience the problem in both Fedora-21 and Windows-7.  I gather from
> everyone else's silence that I'm the only person experiencing the
> problem.  If I really am the only person affected, we can drop this;
> it's just a rather minor nuisance.

In Thunderbird, go to:

	Edit->Account Settings

Select the "Junk Settings" item under the account you're concerned with,
then click on the "Global Junk Preferences" button. In the next window,
select the "Junk" tab, then click on the "Reset Training Data" button.
You've just wiped out any junk training Thunderbird client has.

When you get new mail, the system won't tag anything as junk unless you
click on the "Junk" button. Eventually you'll retrain Thunderbird.

I also have the "Do not automatically mark mail as junk if the sender is 
in:....Personal Address Book" section of the "Junk Settings" for my
account and I've added this list's address in my address book.
- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer, AllDigital    ricks at alldigital.com -
- AIM/Skype: therps2        ICQ: 226437340           Yahoo: origrps2 -
-                                                                    -
-                He who laughs last thinks slowest.                  -

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