[fedora-virt] defaults and image file names

Cole Robinson crobinso at redhat.com
Sat Nov 29 19:16:52 UTC 2014

On 11/29/2014 11:18 AM, Gene Czarcinski wrote:
> A number of defaults seem to have changed with virt-manager-1.1.0 including
> the number of CPUs, the amount of memory, the size for the virtual disk
> image, and the name of the virtual disk image file.
> I am happy that the CPU and memory sizes increased and, fortunately, they
> values chosen were the ones i was entering each time.  Also, the size of the
> disk file image has increased to 20GB and this is a value I am not happy
> with.  This is probably an RFE in which case I will BZ it, but it should would
> be nice if, under preferences, I could specify the numbers to be used as
> defaults for CPUs, memory size, and disk size.

Those defaults are coming from libosinfo now, hence the change. So if 
installing Fedora, 20GB is the recommended disk size, and I believe that comes 
from official Fedora docs. Of course a smaller disk is possible if you do a 
minimal install and very little

> An then there is the name used for the virtual disk file. Previously, the name
> of the virtual system was used and it was pretty easy to determine what image
> was associate with what virtual system.  Now, the type and version of the
> installed OS is being used as the base name for the image file.  Now, I have
> to use the storage connection details to figure out usage.

Hmm. The disk image name is supposed to match the name of the VM, and the 
defualt VM name was changed to match the chosen OS. There might be a bug here 
where we don't change the generated disk image name if the user changes the VM 
name from the default. Please file a virt-manager bug, with full steps to 
reproduce, and virt-manager --debug output when reproducing.

> Also, when I delete a system, I expect the associated disk image to be deleted
> ... sometimes it is and sometimes it is not???

It should always suggest to delete the VM disk image. Please file a bug with 
virt-manager --debug output when reproducing, as well as a description of what 
the delete dialog is showing when you try to delete.


> I believe that name stuff and deleton should be configurable!.
> I am sure there are sound reasons why the changes were made but I am not happy
> with all the changes.
> Gene

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