Only links to post on Planet Fedora

Kévin Raymond shaiton at
Mon Feb 18 15:34:00 UTC 2013

Le lundi 18 févr. 2013 à 11:24:29 (+0100), Dario Faggioli a écrit : 
> Hello,
> This is Dario Faggioli, and I hope I'm writing to the correct address,
> otherwise, accept my apologies in advance.

Hi Diaro,

> I've got a question about the Fedora Planet blog aggregator, to which my
> blog is subscribed ( The thing is,
> whenever a post from the blog is shown on Planet Fedora, all I can see
> there is a link, called "Continue reading" to the post itself, while I
> was expecting to see the content of the post (or at least part of it)
> there instead.
> Am I doing something wrong?

I would say that you provided a wrong url to your feed (like only a summary
feed), but after checking, I can read the whole post about "Fedora Optimus".
Which is your last post.
Have you just fixed it?

In any cases, the following link could help :

Kévin Raymond
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