Hi all
Here the minutes for yet our second meeting!
Thanks to everyone who attended, and I look forward to seeing more people in these meetings, as they are public and everyone is welcome to chime in!
The next meeting is at September 8, 2014 at 15:00 UTC. To see the time in your local timezone, execute the following in a shell: date -d "september 8, 2014 15:00 UTC"
For the full meeting minutes, please look at http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/cockpit/2014-09-01/cockpit.2014-09-01-15.00...
The summary follows:
Welcome (puiterwijk, 15:00:20) Today is Labor day in the US, so nobody from the US will be here probably (puiterwijk, 15:01:24)
Fedora 21 status (puiterwijk, 15:01:38) Port change to 9090 in release 0.21, which is in Fedora 21 Alpha (puiterwijk, 15:02:34) Cockpit 0.21 will be in the test composes used for test days (puiterwijk, 15:03:17) Cockpit test day on 2014-09-16 (puiterwijk, 15:04:27) https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/issues/1099 (mvollmer, 15:09:03) Normal releases to continue, and if something gets stuck for blocker process, patch that instead of new release (puiterwijk, 15:10:44) Freezing Cockpit after F21 GA for updates, but still push new versions to updates-testing (puiterwijk, 15:16:51) Beta freeze starts 2014-09-30 (puiterwijk, 15:21:43) Translation freeze starts 2014-09-30 (puiterwijk, 15:22:01) ACTION: puiterwijk to file RHBZ for #1099 and request freeze exception (puiterwijk, 15:28:51)
Dropping f20 for f21 (multi-os testing) (puiterwijk, 15:29:42) Integration tests almost pass (puiterwijk, 15:30:57) Regression with extended DOS partitions (puiterwijk, 15:31:06) F20 support maybe to be dropped when we start supporting F21 (puiterwijk, 15:45:59) ACTION: mvollmer to investigate DOS partitions bug in F21 (puiterwijk, 15:50:07) F21 works better than hoped (puiterwijk, 15:51:21) Fedora Infra has issues with mirror metalink, so sometimes updates might give lots of errors. Working on fixing that (puiterwijk, 15:53:27)
systemd + polkit (puiterwijk, 15:54:18) http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/dbus/ (stefw, 15:57:47) major changes happening to systemd/polkit, maybe need to backport patches for systemd, libdbus, glib (puiterwijk, 16:02:11) Look into adding a warning message on dashboard if logged in as non-root (puiterwijk, 16:07:47) ACTION: andreasn to open issue on warning for non-root (puiterwijk, 16:08:03) https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/issues/1101 <- done (andreasn, 16:09:10) ACTION: stefw to put a list of stuff that doesnt work as non-root in ticket #1101 (puiterwijk, 16:15:15)
Atomic features (puiterwijk, 16:15:23) https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/wiki/Atomic:-OSTree-Update (andreasn, 16:16:16) https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/wiki/Atomic:-Docker-Storage (andreasn, 16:18:24) Two user stories for update stuff, let andreasn know if it's missing anything (puiterwijk, 16:18:41) Three user stories for docker storage management (puiterwijk, 16:20:36) https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/wiki/Atomic:-Resource-Controls (puiterwijk, 16:20:53) Two user stories for docker resource management, but missing stories for network and storage resources (puiterwijk, 16:24:48) please review the user stories and provide feedback to Andreas (puiterwijk, 16:25:47) Please post review comments on the user stories to the cockpit-devel mailing list (puiterwijk, 16:27:40)
vm-create on files.cockpit-project.org (puiterwijk, 16:28:38) ACTION: puiterwijk to check into bridging net for RHEL6 to run vm-create on files.cockpit-project.org (puiterwijk, 16:31:09)
Open floor (puiterwijk, 16:32:52) ACTION: mvollmer to check other test days and write some test cases (puiterwijk, 16:34:44) Make sure to put "last weeks action points" on next weeks agenda (puiterwijk, 16:35:58)
- -- With kind regards, Patrick Uiterwijk Associate Software Engineer, Red Hat