Hey all,
At the beginning of the week, Pierre-Yves Chibon (pingou) released
Pagure 5.0, a major upgrade to Pagure that brings many improvements
and fixes. However, the packaging for Pagure in EPEL 7 has rotted for
quite some time. EPEL7 has been on an old 2.x release that has been
unsupported by upstream for well over a year.
Pierre requested permission to rebase Pagure to 5.0, in order to bring
everything up to date and onto maintained code. This request was
granted by the EPEL Steering Committee[1].
Consequently, the update to rebase the "pagure" package has been
proposed[2] and awaits testing.
If you're running an instance of Pagure using the EPEL 7 package,
please backup everything before attempting to follow through the
documentation on upgrading[3]. For clean installations, please consult
the setup documentation[4].
Personally, I would recommend exporting everything out, rebuilding
with the new version, and importing your repositories back in. That is
likely to be less risky, given the substantial delta between 2.x and
Going forward, we expect that the "pagure" package will be more
actively maintained, so we will hopefully avoid these problems in the
We're sorry for the inconvenience, but we hope this will be a one-time pain.
[1]: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/teams/epel/epel.2018-09-26-17.01.html
[2]: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2018-c887b5aaa9
[3]: https://pagure.io/pagure/blob/master/f/UPGRADING.rst
[4]: https://docs.pagure.org/pagure/install.html
真実はいつも一つ!/ Always, there's only one truth!