On Sat, 29 Dec 2007 22:40:22 +0100 bugs.michael@gmx.net (Michael Schwendt) wrote:
On Sat, 29 Dec 2007 14:06:13 -0700, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
- freshclam should work when the package is installed. Currently it
requires you to comment a line in a script for no reason I can tell.
Cannot find this in bugzilla. The /etc/sysconfig script disables the automatic update on purpose (to prevent unauthorized network access) and warns the user about that default. What is wrong with that?
Where is there a requirement that network access should require configuration changes? Should we modify any other network accessing services to require a config change before using the network?
What good would clamav be on a machine thats not on a network and what good is it with no up 2 date virus definitions?
- freshclam should not mail "root,postmaster,webmaster,clamav" on
any output.
Is this in bugzilla? It also mails warnings and errors.
No, I can file it I suppose.
- freshclam should be set to use your local country mirror for
Is this in bugzilla?
No. I can file it I suppose.
- The milter should work with postfix.
- The subpackages should be reduced and named in a way that an end
user could possibly know what they need to install for the functionality they are looking for. For example, the upstream docs and every other package talks about the 'freshclam' update program, it's not easy to know that in fedora thats in the 'clamav-update' package.
Just a %doc issue so far, IMO. Unless it is ruled that clamav must be in a single package.
Well, I agree it's a matter of package maintainers desires, but I don't think all the docs in the world will help. This thread is proof of that.
- The useless 'sysv' subpackages should be folded into the other
subpackages until such a time as fedora stops using sysvinit by default.
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/322381 - WONTFIX
- clamscan looks for a /etc/clamd.conf file for config options,
which is not in that place. If it was it wouldn't work because it needs a line commented before it's a valid config file.
I guess I should file this as well.
- The package could not remove the clamav user on removal.
This I guess is part of the fedora-usermanagement setup.
I'm sure I could look around for more issues.
Why can't a volunteer create and maintain a clamav configuration add-on package, which offers a single system-wide clamav daemon if that is requested by the clamav user base in Fedora/EPEL?
I suppose someone could... thats not my issue however. My issues are in the clamav package itself, not just not having a system wide clamd.
The list is interesting, but it adds more than what I thought has been the primary (only?) issue with the Fedora clamav packages.
Really? So the only real issue you see is that there is no system wide clamd setup?