Hello LXDErs,
I finally investigated, why power button wasn't working for me as expected, that is, that pressing it haven't shown logout menu as I was used to from another distribution.
I proposed a partial solution on the acpid side [bz966186], which is probably the best I can do about it; it's (hopefully) unobtrusive and on an opt-in base, so those interest in such an association (instead of plain shutdown as performed by systemd or a predefined action as facilitated by xfce4-power-manager [note: "ask" doesn't work here, hence all my effort]) have to /etc/systemd/logind.conf to set HandlePowerKey=ignore (to prevent systemd from taking precedence in handling the event).
Beside letting you know, I also wanted to solicit some feedback so if you have something on your mind, reply here or at the referred bug.
[bz966186] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=966186