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Regrettably, we have to drop the Games spin for a release with F10 GA.
There has been problems composing this spin for F10-Preview, and there's
problems popping up real close to release (which is right now). It's
actually caused by a missing package (simple fix) but the real problem
is whether the maintainer(s) fix(es) the problem and actually test(s)
the spin.
This seems to have not been the case for the Games spin over the course
of the last few weeks, and once we hand over a couple of kickstarts for
Release Engineering to compose, we need to be sure they do not run into
problems for they lack the ability to take over the maintainers work and
fix the kickstart -a workflow related thing.
We (as the Spin SIG) could step in and nurture the kickstart, but not
this close to final GA, and not if it causes Rel. Eng. to need to
through compose/fail/feedback/re-compose loops for every fix that should
have been committed by the maintainer already.
Kind regards,
Jeroen van Meeuwen
- -kanarip
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