I made a page for the Red Hat Summit/JBoss World 2012 event:
It's only a placeholder right now. There are probably community
members both inside and outside Red Hat who will be interested in
working on this event, so on the page I've also included links to the
previous Summit events.
Jared is the owner for the Fedora presence at the event and you can
expect to hear more from him in early 2012 to kick off the event
As a reminder to any interested community members, the call for papers
is open for the event.[1] If your talk is selected, you receive a
complimentary conference pass and one night's hotel stay, plus some
other goodies. You can find the last Summit's selected presentations
on the 2011 site.[2]
= = =
[1] http://summitblog.redhat.com/2011/11/16/now-open-red-hat-summit-and-jboss-w…
[2] http://www.redhat.com/summit/2011/presentations/
Paul W. Frields http://paul.frields.org/
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