At the FAmNA meeting on Tuesday night we discussed some more details
and ideas regarding Fedora's presence at the Summit. Here's a recap:
1. kk4ewt: needs the address to ship the event box and vbanners to.
Robyn will send the shipping info to kk4ewt. kk4ewt asks that it be on
a ticket.
2. Collateral and other marketing materials need to be wrangled from
whatever or whoever births them. DAGNABIT, I knew I was forgetting
something, AS7 + Fedora postcard layouts and text will be my next
email. Sarah's on the AS7 + Fedora collateral, pinkie swear.
3. Robyn is thinking about a fedora dinner, but it is hard to find a
time slot during Summit insanity.
4. We have a seating area and screen with about 15-20 chairs in the
fedora area, which is large according to Robyn. We will also have
ongoing ARM demo area during the entire Summit. (Note: Robyn said
she'd send graphite6 the Fedora booth registration info)
5. Robyn is sorting out when we can do talks and how long some of them
will need to be. So far she knows the following people/projects would
like a slot:
a. Jon Masters
b. Cluster folks possibly needing an official slot but perhaps not
(Robyn did you mean cluster or Gluster?)
6. Ideas for additional Fedora mini-sessions:
a. Getting started with AS7 on F17 (I can definitely find some one
to do this, pinging mgoldman now)
b. Getting started with Openstack on F17 (Robyn with talk to markmc
or russellb)
c. Boxgrinder and Fedora (ping mgoldman again)
d. The joys of packaging/benefits of packaging Java tools and
frameworks. There are a lot of developers in the middleware ecosystem
that don't understand packaging or the benefits of having something
like AS7 packaged in F17+all the great VM and cloud infrastructure
also packaged in F17. (mojavelinux could give a talk on some aspect of
this, as well as mgoldman (and I'm sure there are others)
e. Virtual machine deployments using F17
f. Anyone else have any ideas for mini-sessions? NOTE: we have to
be careful that we don't overlap with summit topics...kittens will
g. Oh wait, I've got one more! Getting started with Arquillian on
F17 because YEA! Arquillian got packaged and go out with the AS7
upgrade! There isn't any overlap with Summit stuff regarding
Arquillian because it's not a product and it's not being talked about
at the Summit /JUDCon -- but lots of attendees are pinging us wanting
to know if the Arquillian developers will be there...could be a way to
lure newcomers to the Fedora booth. The Fedora Booth: the only place
at the Summit where you can find those Testing Rebels from the fringe!
Get your testing development environment ON with Fedora 17! Get
Fedora, Launch Arquillian, Save the Galaxy! -- Too much?Sorry, I got
seriously derailed there, ignore my fangirlishness.
7. Showing off the Fedora community by getting users and developers to
record videos at the Summit about themselves, projects, open source
passion, etc. Robyn noted that Spot might be interested in being
interviewed. I'll be posting a video demystifying the video 'studio'
setup and another of an actual interview on Monday so that people
might feel more comfortable getting in front of the camera (they'll
know what to expect, will know I'm not going to gimp a beefy miracle
sitting in the chair next to them, will know they're not the first
8. Robyn noted she needed to talk to Kristen about something...either
having to do with the videos idea or regarding me =D
9. Someone get inode0 a baseball from Fenway, please.
And I think that covers the ideas talked about in Tuesday's
ambassadors meeting.
PS. Apologies for the loooong email.