Hi all!
I've got a Raspberry Pi 3b+ with Fedora 30 on SD cards running armv7 and
aarch64. I recently installed updates with dnf on both after a few weeks,
and after reboot I can no longer get into a graphical login.
The shell fails to find a GPU which leads the session to fail:
Apr 26 02:49:52 lilbit gnome-shell[916]: Failed to create backend: No GPUs
found with udev
Apr 26 02:49:52 lilbit gnome-session[889]: gnome-session-binary[889]:
WARNING: App 'org.gnome.Shell.desktop' exited with code 1
Apr 26 02:49:52 lilbit gnome-session-binary[889]: WARNING: App
'org.gnome.Shell.desktop' exited with code 1
Apr 26 02:49:52 lilbit gnome-session-binary[889]: Unrecoverable failure in
required component org.gnome.Shell.desktop
Apr 26 02:49:52 lilbit systemd-logind[725]: Failed to restore VT, ignoring:
Input/output error
(Don't mind the wrong date, the system clock is wrong until networking
comes up.)
These SD cards were originally installed with Fedora 29 and upgraded via
dnf-system-upgrade, so that might lead to something funky in the boot
partitions perhaps; if that's an expected sort of failure I can just
reinstall. :)
Thanks for any advice!
-- brion