下午的Fedora 21 Release Party我们有初步规划了,所以relparty不是问题。我对HFD没有什么了解,因此想知道,总人数会很多么?在清华找场地可以么?
2014-12-31 10:56 GMT+08:00 Justin Wong justin.w.xd@gmail.com:
HFD 提前办我倒是早先就知道,想着太早了还打算不办了来着 2333。
On 14-12-31 10:47, Zamir Sun wrote:
2014-12-31 10:13 GMT+08:00 Alick Zhao alick9188@gmail.com:
FYI. DFF 把 2015 HFD 的日期定在了 1 月 17 号,比 2014 年提前了两个月。。
考虑到 HFD 也是 Fedora 社区重点参与的活动之一。我们是否可以把 1 月 24 日在北京的活动 扩展成发行派对和 HFD 的联合活动?比如搞成全天的活动,上午偏硬件,下午偏软件?
-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [SFD-announce] Best Wishes and join us to celebrate Hardware Freedom Day on January 17th 2015! Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 17:22:40 +0700 From: Frederic Muller - DFF fred@digitalfreedomfoundation.org Reply-To: sfd-discuss@sf-day.org To: SFD announcements sfd-announce@sf-day.org
Dear all,
First we would like to send you all our best wishes for the year to come. 2014 has been a challenging year for us as we decided to venture into new territories and things did not really go the way we had hoped for. But as the new year is approaching we do not fear and will continue to pursue our goals.
This email is to inform everyone that Hardware Freedom Day is around the corner and will be celebrated on January 17th this year (we mean 2015 by that). The reason for the move was twofold: moving Education Freedom Day out of the holiday zone for South America and other areas where this was a problem, and getting HFD right after Christmas so people who have decided to step ahead and dive into the wilderness of Open Hardware during the holiday season can actually find an event within a few weeks of getting their gifts and create the opportunity to push their passion further.
For its third edition as usual just head over to our wiki [1], create your event page and register your event [2] to appear on the map [3] with the others.
So all the best for 2015 and for your HFD! Don't hesitate to send us messages on the HFD mailing list [4] if you have any questions of course.
Happy HFD!
Digital Freedom Foundation.
[1] http://wiki.hfday.org/2015 [2] http://www.hfday.org/cgi-bin/register.py [3] http://www.hfday.org/map/ [4] http://mail.sf-day.org/lists/listinfo/hfd-discuss
-- Alick Fedora release 20 (Heisenbug) user https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Alick
-- Fedora中文郵件列表:https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/chinese
-- Justin Wong Blog: https://bigeagle.me/ Fingerprint: 15CC 6A61 738B 1599 0095 E256 CB67 DA7A 865B AC3A
- 场地:如果在清华的话,需要和老师提前联系询问下是否可行。(@justin) - 内容:有哪些开源/自由硬件相关的话题?(Arduino, BBB, 智能卡)谁可以来讲?(我其实最担心这个) - 预算:提前到了本财年,需要检查下是否有足够剩余经费,虽然花销应该不大。(问tuanta)
On 12/31/2014 11:27 AM, Zamir Sun wrote:
下午的Fedora 21 Release Party我们有初步规划了,所以relparty不是问题。我对HFD没有什么了解,因此想知道,总人数会很多么?在清华找场地可以么?
2014-12-31 10:56 GMT+08:00 Justin Wong justin.w.xd@gmail.com:
HFD 提前办我倒是早先就知道,想着太早了还打算不办了来着 2333。
On 14-12-31 10:47, Zamir Sun wrote:
2014-12-31 10:13 GMT+08:00 Alick Zhao alick9188@gmail.com:
FYI. DFF 把 2015 HFD 的日期定在了 1 月 17 号,比 2014 年提前了两个月。。
考虑到 HFD 也是 Fedora 社区重点参与的活动之一。我们是否可以把 1 月 24 日在北京的活动 扩展成发行派对和 HFD 的联合活动?比如搞成全天的活动,上午偏硬件,下午偏软件?
-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [SFD-announce] Best Wishes and join us to celebrate Hardware Freedom Day on January 17th 2015! Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 17:22:40 +0700 From: Frederic Muller - DFF fred@digitalfreedomfoundation.org Reply-To: sfd-discuss@sf-day.org To: SFD announcements sfd-announce@sf-day.org
Dear all,
First we would like to send you all our best wishes for the year to come. 2014 has been a challenging year for us as we decided to venture into new territories and things did not really go the way we had hoped for. But as the new year is approaching we do not fear and will continue to pursue our goals.
This email is to inform everyone that Hardware Freedom Day is around the corner and will be celebrated on January 17th this year (we mean 2015 by that). The reason for the move was twofold: moving Education Freedom Day out of the holiday zone for South America and other areas where this was a problem, and getting HFD right after Christmas so people who have decided to step ahead and dive into the wilderness of Open Hardware during the holiday season can actually find an event within a few weeks of getting their gifts and create the opportunity to push their passion further.
For its third edition as usual just head over to our wiki [1], create your event page and register your event [2] to appear on the map [3] with the others.
So all the best for 2015 and for your HFD! Don't hesitate to send us messages on the HFD mailing list [4] if you have any questions of course.
Happy HFD!
Digital Freedom Foundation.
[1] http://wiki.hfday.org/2015 [2] http://www.hfday.org/cgi-bin/register.py [3] http://www.hfday.org/map/ [4] http://mail.sf-day.org/lists/listinfo/hfd-discuss
On 2015/1/1 16:16, Alick Zhao wrote:
- 场地:如果在清华的话,需要和老师提前联系询问下是否可行。(@justin)
- 内容:有哪些开源/自由硬件相关的话题?(Arduino, BBB, 智能卡)谁可以来讲?(我其实最担心这个)
- 预算:提前到了本财年,需要检查下是否有足够剩余经费,虽然花销应该不大。(问tuanta)
On 12/31/2014 11:27 AM, Zamir Sun wrote:
下午的Fedora 21 Release Party我们有初步规划了,所以relparty不是问题。我对HFD没有什么了解,因此想知道,总人数会很多么?在清华找场地可以么?
2014-12-31 10:56 GMT+08:00 Justin Wong justin.w.xd@gmail.com:
HFD 提前办我倒是早先就知道,想着太早了还打算不办了来着 2333。
On 14-12-31 10:47, Zamir Sun wrote:
2014-12-31 10:13 GMT+08:00 Alick Zhao alick9188@gmail.com:
FYI. DFF 把 2015 HFD 的日期定在了 1 月 17 号,比 2014 年提前了两个月。。
考虑到 HFD 也是 Fedora 社区重点参与的活动之一。我们是否可以把 1 月 24 日在北京的活动 扩展成发行派对和 HFD 的联合活动?比如搞成全天的活动,上午偏硬件,下午偏软件?
-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [SFD-announce] Best Wishes and join us to celebrate Hardware Freedom Day on January 17th 2015! Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 17:22:40 +0700 From: Frederic Muller - DFF fred@digitalfreedomfoundation.org Reply-To: sfd-discuss@sf-day.org To: SFD announcements sfd-announce@sf-day.org
Dear all,
First we would like to send you all our best wishes for the year to come. 2014 has been a challenging year for us as we decided to venture into new territories and things did not really go the way we had hoped for. But as the new year is approaching we do not fear and will continue to pursue our goals.
This email is to inform everyone that Hardware Freedom Day is around the corner and will be celebrated on January 17th this year (we mean 2015 by that). The reason for the move was twofold: moving Education Freedom Day out of the holiday zone for South America and other areas where this was a problem, and getting HFD right after Christmas so people who have decided to step ahead and dive into the wilderness of Open Hardware during the holiday season can actually find an event within a few weeks of getting their gifts and create the opportunity to push their passion further.
For its third edition as usual just head over to our wiki [1], create your event page and register your event [2] to appear on the map [3] with the others.
So all the best for 2015 and for your HFD! Don't hesitate to send us messages on the HFD mailing list [4] if you have any questions of course.
Happy HFD!
Digital Freedom Foundation.
[1] http://wiki.hfday.org/2015 [2] http://www.hfday.org/cgi-bin/register.py [3] http://www.hfday.org/map/ [4] http://mail.sf-day.org/lists/listinfo/hfd-discuss
-- Fedora中文郵件列表:https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/chinese
硬件的话题我能准备一个,不过怕时间不够,我之前一直准备的是GPG Key Signing Party。顺便问问比尔盖子有没有可能
On 1/1/15, Alick Zhao alick9188@gmail.com wrote:
- 场地:如果在清华的话,需要和老师提前联系询问下是否可行。(@justin)
- 内容:有哪些开源/自由硬件相关的话题?(Arduino, BBB, 智能卡)谁可以来讲?(我其实最担心这个)
- 预算:提前到了本财年,需要检查下是否有足够剩余经费,虽然花销应该不大。(问tuanta)
On 12/31/2014 11:27 AM, Zamir Sun wrote:
下午的Fedora 21 Release Party我们有初步规划了,所以relparty不是问题。我对HFD没有什么了解,因此想知道,总人数会很多么?在清华找场地可以么?
2014-12-31 10:56 GMT+08:00 Justin Wong justin.w.xd@gmail.com:
HFD 提前办我倒是早先就知道,想着太早了还打算不办了来着 2333。
On 14-12-31 10:47, Zamir Sun wrote:
2014-12-31 10:13 GMT+08:00 Alick Zhao alick9188@gmail.com:
FYI. DFF 把 2015 HFD 的日期定在了 1 月 17 号,比 2014 年提前了两个月。。
考虑到 HFD 也是 Fedora 社区重点参与的活动之一。我们是否可以把 1 月 24 日在北京的活动 扩展成发行派对和 HFD 的联合活动?比如搞成全天的活动,上午偏硬件,下午偏软件?
-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [SFD-announce] Best Wishes and join us to celebrate Hardware Freedom Day on January 17th 2015! Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 17:22:40 +0700 From: Frederic Muller - DFF fred@digitalfreedomfoundation.org Reply-To: sfd-discuss@sf-day.org To: SFD announcements sfd-announce@sf-day.org
Dear all,
First we would like to send you all our best wishes for the year to come. 2014 has been a challenging year for us as we decided to venture into new territories and things did not really go the way we had hoped for. But as the new year is approaching we do not fear and will continue to pursue our goals.
This email is to inform everyone that Hardware Freedom Day is around the corner and will be celebrated on January 17th this year (we mean 2015 by that). The reason for the move was twofold: moving Education Freedom Day out of the holiday zone for South America and other areas where this was a problem, and getting HFD right after Christmas so people who have decided to step ahead and dive into the wilderness of Open Hardware during the holiday season can actually find an event within a few weeks of getting their gifts and create the opportunity to push their passion further.
For its third edition as usual just head over to our wiki [1], create your event page and register your event [2] to appear on the map [3] with the others.
So all the best for 2015 and for your HFD! Don't hesitate to send us messages on the HFD mailing list [4] if you have any questions of course.
Happy HFD!
Digital Freedom Foundation.
[1] http://wiki.hfday.org/2015 [2] http://www.hfday.org/cgi-bin/register.py [3] http://www.hfday.org/map/ [4] http://mail.sf-day.org/lists/listinfo/hfd-discuss
-- Fedora中文郵件列表:https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/chinese