Hi all,
The IRC meeting minutes today are available at the links below.
Thanks everyone for attending the meeting.
In the meeting we talked about FUDCon planning progress. Please review
the proposed ideas and actions.
The next IRC meeting will possibly be held on next Friday (2014-06-06).
Please come and join the discussion if you can!
* Minutes:
#fedora-zh Meeting
Meeting started by alick at 13:03:28 UTC. The full logs are available at
Meeting summary
* Roll Call 报到 (alick, 13:03:41)
* FUDCon APAC 2014 于上周末在北航顺利举行。 (alick, 13:09:19)
* FUDCon Budget (alick, 13:09:49)
* 由于赞助商的大力支持,以及部分外国讲师未能到场,目前预算有部分剩余。
(alick, 13:10:29)
* IDEA: 将多余的预算用于提高外地讲师差旅资助的额度 (alick, 13:11:11)
* AGREED: use remaining budget to raise subsidy amount for nonlocal
speakers (alick, 13:15:45)
* FUDCon Reimbursement (alick, 13:19:07)
* sponsored speakers and attendees should upload receipts and write
event reports to get reimbursed. (alick, 13:20:12)
* ACTION: alick to send reminder about reimbursement (alick,
* FUDCon Photos (alick, 13:21:15)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Beijing_2014#Photos
(alick, 13:21:40)
(alick, 13:22:27)
* HELP: everyone share photos and add links to fudcon wiki page photos
section (alick, 13:23:39)
* FUDCon Videos (alick, 13:23:57)
* all speeches should be recorded. Videos are being edited and will be
uploaded. (alick, 13:25:01)
* FUDCon Event Reports (alick, 13:25:31)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Beijing_2014#Reports
(alick, 13:26:05)
* "official" event reports is being written. (alick, 13:27:03)
* ACTION: tonghuix share official event reports draft with alick and
tommy (alick, 13:27:35)
* FUDCon Slides (alick, 13:30:39)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Beijing_2014#Slides
(alick, 13:30:52)
* IDEA: it seems better to me to put links to slides directly on
schedule table (alick, 13:32:09)
* ACTION: alick merge contents in slides section on wiki page to
schedule table (alick, 13:33:23)
* ACTION: alick zsun remind speakers to upload their slides and add
links to wiki (alick, 13:33:45)
* FUDCon Feedback Survey (alick, 13:37:58)
* survey form is being worked by the organizers (alick, 13:38:25)
* ACTION: emily alick to make survey form and publicize it (alick,
* Fedora Badge for FUDCon (alick, 13:39:16)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Open_Badges (alick, 13:39:50)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/265 (alick,
* FUDCon Wiki (alick, 13:41:32)
* ACTION: endle incorporate useful information back to bidding pages
(alick, 13:46:54)
* ACTION: alick zsun consider to make some google docs open access
(alick, 13:48:28)
* Offline Events (alick, 13:48:35)
* LINK: http://beijinglug.org/ (alick, 13:49:47)
(alick, 13:51:30)
* fedocal (Fedora Calendar) (alick, 13:53:48)
* LINK: https://apps.fedoraproject.org/#FedoCal (alick, 13:57:29)
* LINK: https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar (alick, 13:57:52)
* ACTION: alick investigate fedocal usage (alick, 13:59:56)
Meeting ended at 14:03:23 UTC.
Action Items
* alick to send reminder about reimbursement
* tonghuix share official event reports draft with alick and tommy
* alick merge contents in slides section on wiki page to schedule table
* alick zsun remind speakers to upload their slides and add links to
* emily alick to make survey form and publicize it
* endle incorporate useful information back to bidding pages
* alick zsun consider to make some google docs open access
* alick investigate fedocal usage
Action Items, by person
* alick
* alick to send reminder about reimbursement
* tonghuix share official event reports draft with alick and tommy
* alick merge contents in slides section on wiki page to schedule
* alick zsun remind speakers to upload their slides and add links to
* emily alick to make survey form and publicize it
* alick zsun consider to make some google docs open access
* alick investigate fedocal usage
* endle
* endle incorporate useful information back to bidding pages
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* alick (105)
* microcai (13)
* zodbot (11)
* BadGirl (9)
* biergaizi (6)
* felixonmars (4)
* endle (3)
* isyangxin (3)
* if_else (2)
* kaio (2)
* tiansworld (1)
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Hi all,
FUDCon APAC 2014 was held on last weekends, and the feedback I get so
far is quite positive. I would like to thank everyone (volunteers,
speakers, sponsors, and attendees) who help to make it. I am so glad to
have you all join the event. Your contributions are appreciated very
Although the main conference is over, there are still something to do at
the moment. So this email mainly serves as a reminder about the post
event todos.
- Budget. Thanks to generous sponsorship from local companies and
communities, and since a few sponsored speaker cannot come in the end,
it seems we now have some budget left. We think it might be a good
idea to raise the subsidy amount for our speakers, many of whom travel
a long way and make the event wonderful. We are going to have a
special IRC meeting for budget adjustment. Before that, speakers may
upload travel receipts, but please do not mark it as ready for
- Reimbursement. Dear speakers and sponsored attendees, you need to
upload your receipts on fudcon-planning trac and post event reports on
Fedora Planet aggregated blog. Refer to the wiki pages [1][2] for more
information. Please add the links to your event reports to the FUDCon
wiki page too [3].
- Photos. As mentioned in previous email [4], everyone please share the
FUDCon photos you have taken, and post the links to the wiki page [5].
- Videos. We have recorded all the speeches in each room. Currently
volunteers are busy editing and converting the videos. Hopefully they
will be uploaded soon.
- Event Reports. We are working on the "official" news reports for the
event. Meanwhile we would like to see all kinds of event reports from
everyone. Sponsored speakers and attendees, please note event reports
are a must to get reimbursed.
- Slides. Dear speakers, please upload your slides and other supporting
materials online, and add the links to the wiki page [6].
- Feedback Survey. We will make a survey form to collect feedback
systematically. Stay tuned for the message about the survey link.
- Badge. We would like to award each FUDCon speaker / volunteer /
attendee a special Fedora Badge [7]. A ticket has been filed [8].
- Planning Doc. Dear organizing team fellows, it is time to use existing
information to refine our bidding / planning document! It will do
great good to the next round.
[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Reimbursements
[2] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Event_reports
[3] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Beijing_2014#Reports
[5] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Beijing_2014#Photos
[6] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Beijing_2014#Slides
[7] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Open_Badges
[8] https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/265
Alick Zhao
On behalf of FUDCon APAC 2014 organizing team