#119: Request for new system-config-services icon
Reporter: raven | Owner: duffy
Type: icon request | Status: new
Priority: major | Component: Artwork
Severity: Moderately Involved | Keywords:
I would like to ask for a new icon for system-config-services application
to replace old Bluecurve one [1] with an icon better fitting desktop and
current standards. It could re-use icons from gnome-icon-theme, like we
did with anaconda. Program's author is aware of this request [2].
[1] http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/?p=system-config-
services.git;a=blob;f=pixmaps/system-config-services.png;hb=HEAD (48x48
[2] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=562675
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/119>
Design Team <http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design>
Fedora Design Team
#161: Fedora-branded OpenOffice template for documents
Reporter: rbergero | Owner: nobody
Type: task | Status: new
Priority: major | Component: Other Artwork
Severity: Quick & Easy | Keywords:
We are currently writing a prospectus to obtain sponsors for the FUDCon in
Tempe, Arizona.
We'd like to put the information in a Fedora-branded office document so
that we can have nice .pdfs to send / print out to prospective sponsors.
Would it be possible to get a Fedora OO Document template? :) Not just for
this particular use, but more of a long-term use.
(PS. Not to set things on fire, but we're hoping to procure sponsors
fairly quickly - the faster we get them, the faster we can get all the
details in place for FUDCon!)
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/161>
Design Team <http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design>
Fedora Design Team
#135: Request for new system-config-httpd icon
Reporter: raven | Owner: nobody
Type: icon request | Status: new
Priority: major | Component: Other Artwork
Severity: Moderately Involved | Keywords:
I would like to ask for a new icon for system-config-httpd application to
replace old Bluecurve one [1] with an icon better fitting desktop and
current standards. It could re-use icons from gnome-icon-theme, like we
did with anaconda. Program's author is aware of this request [2].
[1] http://hg.fedorahosted.org/hg/system-config-httpd/raw-
file/e17015e27c0d/system-config-httpd.png (48x48 px)
[2] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=540270
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/135>
Design Team <http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design>
Fedora Design Team
#107: Request for new system-config-kdump icon
Reporter: raven | Owner: duffy
Type: icon request | Status: new
Priority: major | Component: Artwork
Severity: Moderately Involved | Keywords:
I would like to ask for a new icon for system-config-kdump application to
replace old Bluecurve one [1] with an icon better fitting desktop and
current standards. It could re-use icons from gnome-icon-theme, like we
did with anaconda. Program's author is aware of this request [2].
[1] http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/?p=system-config-
kdump.git;a=blob;f=pixmaps/system-config-kdump.png;hb=HEAD (48x48 px)
[2] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=540288
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/107>
Design Team <http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design>
Fedora Design Team
#101: Request for new system-config-kickstart icon
Reporter: raven | Owner: duffy
Type: icon request | Status: new
Priority: major | Component: Artwork
Severity: Moderately Involved | Keywords:
I would like to ask for a new icon for system-config-kickstart application
to replace old Bluecurve one [1] with an icon better fitting desktop and
current standards. It could re-use icons from gnome-icon-theme, like we
did with anaconda. Program's author is aware of this request [2].
[1] http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/?p=system-config-
kickstart.git;a=blob;f=pixmaps/system-config-kickstart.png;hb=HEAD (48x48
[2] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=540291
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/101>
Design Team <http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design>
Fedora Design Team
#56: Request for multimedia icons
Reporter: oget | Owner:
Type: icon request | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone: milestone1
Version: | Keywords:
Now that the [http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/FedoraStudio
FedoraStudio feature] is [https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/191
accepted by FESCo] we are in need of new icons.
The Audio&Video/Multimedia desktop menu is being categorized. For each
submenu entry we are requesting new icons. Some are pretty
straightforward, whereas some are more left to imagination.
Currently for the [http://oget.fedorapeople.org/multimedia-menus/ test
package], I borrowed icons from other projects. I will replace these icons
with the ones produced here.
Here is a list of what we need and some explanation:
* Capture&Import icon: This is a general group of applications for
capturing/importing all sorts of media: Audio streams, Video streams,
sound recording with a mic, ripping CD's DVD's, TV broadcasts...
* Creation icon: An icon for the top menu which will contain other media
creation applications listed below. Very open to imagination :)
* Digital processing icon: This group contains audio/video effect
applications. Synthesizer applications. An idea for the icon would be a
foot pedal musicians use (like a distortion pedal).
* Editors icon: Audio editors, video editors, soundfont editors...
Basically, applications that can be use existing data to create some
* Jack icon: JACK (Jack Audio Connection Kit) using applications. These
are wide range applications, primarily used for audio creation. An audio
jack connector (like the one you plug into the electric guitar) is an idea
for the icon.
* MIDI icon: MIDI using applications. Again wide range, but a MIDI
keyboard sounds like an idea.
* Sequencer/Multitrack recorder icon: An icon for the group of multitrack
sequencers, digital audio workstations.
* Notation icon: Icon for the group of musical notation applications.
* Mixer icon: Group of software mixers. Like pulseaudio control, kmix,
gnome mixer...
* Output generation icon: Very wide range and quite open to imagination.
The applications that are covered by this group are audio/video streamers,
format changers, CD/DVD burners, subtitle editors. In terms of
functionality, this one is kind of opposite to the "Capture&Import" group.
* Tools icon: Helper applications that usually do not do anything with
multimedia data. Such as instrument tuner, metronome...
* Player icon: An icon for audio/video players group.
This makes 12 icons. I know it is a long list but is there a chance we can
have these by F-12?
Very many thanks!
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/56>
Design Team <http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design>
Fedora Design Team
#123: banner for campus ambassadors
Reporter: biertie | Owner: nobody
Type: task | Status: new
Priority: major | Component: Artwork
Severity: Quick & Easy | Keywords:
Could you make banner for the 'fedora campus ambassadors' program too?
just like the ambassadors, and other projects have.
kind regards,
Bert Desmet
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/123>
Design Team <http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design>
Fedora Design Team
#45: packaging process visual representation
Reporter: dtimms | Owner:
Type: task | Status: new
Priority: trivial | Milestone:
Version: | Keywords:
It would be nice to have some graphics built that represent a simplified
overview of some complex fedora tasks to take the eye sting away from
pages of text processes. An idea for the packaging process perhaps:
- think of an oval football ground, where the viewer is standing at near
the foci of one end. She sees a path curving from past left extent of
vision, around to the right extent of vision. The viewpoint should be
above the ground, and the perspective should be apparent.
The breakdown is shown as graphical items rising out of the path, perhaps
with additional arrows to indicate flow of additional tasks / information:
- choose a software project
- start a template spec file
- gathering information
- understanding packaging guidelines
- configure local rpmbuild
- local build
- local rpmlint
- local package test (iteration over last few items)
- create package review bug
- - paths of new packagers taking tentative steps
- - paths of existing packagers indicating review of spec
- respond / improve package based on comments, iteration (circle)
- performing semi/reviews of other packages
- community approval of package
- cvs request / import
- build request (to successful build) iteration
- update system requests
- published package
- - bugs / feedback / updates iteration
Try to indicate the communication and community involvement during the
I have no idea how you would represent in nice graphic form any of those
An image that fits into say 800x 600 (active content area for a 1024x768
display) could be a useful size, but might be too small for definition of
any step icons to be usable.
? Can the wiki provide imagemap like links that could jump to the specific
task detailed descriptions.
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/45>
Design Team <http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design>
Fedora Design Team
#152: Fedorized diagram to represent wireless refraction
Reporter: sradvan | Owner: ryanlerch(a)gmail.com
Type: task | Status: new
Priority: major | Component: Other Artwork
Severity: Quick & Easy | Keywords:
Not to be confused with reflection, this can happen when a signal's path
can change when hitting an object of different density, ie.
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/152>
Design Team <http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design>
Fedora Design Team