#401: Review: Updated cheat cube to use DNF instead of yum
Reporter: ankursinha | Owner:
Type: Print/Swag Design | Status: new
Priority: low | Severity: Quick & Easy
Keywords: | Blocked By:
Blocking: |
I updated the cheatcube to use dnf instead of yum. Could someone please
take a look and put it up on the wiki here:(or give me a "go ahead" to put
it up)
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/401>
Design Team <http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design>
Fedora Design Team
#438: Redesign Anaconda install banners
Reporter: pidgornyy | Owner:
Type: Release Artwork | Status: new
Priority: medium | Severity: Moderately Involved
Keywords: | Blocked By:
Blocking: |
* Deadline / Release milestone: none
* Description:
The Anaconda banners are almost the first thing a new user sees when he
decides to try Fedora. Currently the banners don't look very welcoming,
but rather ugly compared to the rest of Fedora's beautiful artwork (and
compared to banners from other distributions). No offence against their
creator(s), but the following things should really be improved:
- No overuse of the Fedora logo font, Comfortaa. Comfortaa may look good
for headings, but it's used for *all* the text on the banners, which looks
unprofessional and simply ugly.
- No sudden colour change in the middle of the text, like on the make-
fedora-better banner. Either add outline or shadows to the text, or don't
allow text to overlap with pictures.
- No inconsistent distances between lines of text (present on all
- No inconsistent placing of images (compare the LibreOffice logo and the
Rhythmbox loudspeaker).
- No URLs starting with a capital letter.
- Replace Beefy with something (the current release's logo?).
- (Maybe generate the banners programmatically depending on locale?
Currently the text is embedded into the images, which makes it a bit
difficult to edit it for inexperienced contributors).
Ever since these banners appeared in Anaconda in Fedora 19, I was hoping
they'd be changed soon, but see no progress yet. Other distributions make
good use of the banners in their installation, informing the user about
new features in the release, what software is being installed onto the new
system, how to navigate the desktop environment (the banners appear at the
very end of the installation process, when we already know what desktop
environment was selected for installation), where to get help (this we
have already) and other little tips regarding the distribution. I will be
attaching installer banners from Ubuntu and Xubuntu.
We should agree on a design pattern that is used in all banners. It
includes a fixed font, font size, line distance and margins. I will attach
my proposal, but keep in mind that I am not a designer. Please suggest
something, too.
Another consideration would be to make the banners larger. There is a lot
of wasted space on the installation progress screen. Larger banners
(similar to *buntu) would allow us to put more information into them, for
example screenshots of some popular software that is bundled with the
Fedora image that is currently being installed.
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Start the Fedora installation process
2. Complete all required steps and hit "Begin installation"
3. The banners start to appear at the bottom of the screen
Benefit for Fedora:
Improve aesthetics of Fedora, pleasing the eyes of all users. Newcomers
are more likely to like Fedora when they are greeted with beautiful
banners in the first few minutes they spend with Fedora.
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/438>
Design Team <http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design>
Fedora Design Team
#448: advertising Magazine and CommBlog on AskFedora
Reporter: viorel | Owner:
Type: Design and Tools Education | Status: new
Priority: medium | Severity: Quick & Easy
Keywords: | Blocked By:
Blocking: |
= phenomenon =
We would like to use AskFedora as another place to advertise articles
in Magazine and CommBlog.
= reason =
AskFedora is a busy site and we're thinking that 1) articles will get more
visibility and 2) advertising allows us to "republish" articles, that is
attention on important topics published previously
= recommendation =
We need the Design team's help to advise on whether this is feasible and
the said ads can be added.
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/448>
Design Team <http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design>
Fedora Design Team
#451: Logo for Albanian Fedora Community
Reporter: elioqoshi | Owner: elioqoshi
Type: Digital Artwork | Status: new
Priority: medium | Severity: Quick & Easy
Keywords: Albania,design | Blocked By:
Blocking: |
The Fedora Community in Albania is active for over 2 years and it's time
we settle down on a logo. This will be used on Community Sites and on
communications in Albania
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/451>
Design Team <http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design>
Fedora Design Team
#414: Logo it.fedoracommunity.org
Reporter: fale | Owner:
Type: Design and Tools Education | Status: new
Priority: medium | Severity: Quick & Easy
Keywords: | Blocked By:
Blocking: |
= phenomenon =
Hi I'm Fale an Italian Packager and Ambassador,
In the last few months, robyduck stepped off it's role of being in charge
of the Italian community (reachable using it's url fedoraonline.it or the
it.fedoracommunity.org one). I succeeded Robert in this task.
= reason =
Since the website graphics is pretty old style, I'm working on give to the
website a new look (as well as doing some technical improvement) and in
the process I noticed that the current logo seems to be not 100% compliant
with the guidelines (maybe it was when it was created, or maybe I
misunderstood the logo guidelines), so I think it could be a good occasion
to check if it's ok or if a new one has to be created.
= recommendation =
The new website look has already lost the white bar near the logo (is now
plain Fedora blue) and white/yellow "window" with the penguin inside.
I was looking for a transparent-based png/svg with a text similar to the
current one (probably with different fonts/alignments to be compliant with
the logo regulation).
Thanks a lot,
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/414>
Design Team <http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design>
Fedora Design Team
#427: Fedora specific mailman3/hyperkitty favicon
Reporter: kevin | Owner:
Type: Digital Artwork | Status: new
Priority: medium | Severity: Quick & Easy
Keywords: | Blocked By:
Blocking: |
* Deadline
* Size requirements in pixels if applicable
16x16? whatever favicons are.
* If this is a logo or icon for an application
favicon for hyperkitty
* What application is this for?
for example.
* Brief description of what the application does
Mailing lists archiver and web interface/poster
* Packager or developer contact information (IRC nick + email + wiki
profile page link)
nirik / kevin(a)scrye.com / User:kevin
* If this is for an icon, please indicate if you need desktop icons or web
application icons.
webapp favicon only.
Addition information on the request:
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/427>
Design Team <http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design>
Fedora Design Team
#437: Icon for openQA
Reporter: adamwill | Owner:
Type: Digital Artwork | Status: new
Priority: medium | Severity: Quick & Easy
Keywords: | Blocked By:
Blocking: |
* Deadline
No hard deadline
* Size requirements in pixels if applicable
I guess something quite scalable - so it can be used as a favicon and also
maybe on the project's homepage etc.
* What application is this for?
[https://os-autoinst.github.io/openQA/ openQA]
* Brief description of what the application does
It's an automated testing system used by us and openSUSE.
* Packager or developer contact information (IRC nick + email + wiki
profile page link)
adamw + adamwill(a)fp.o + https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Adamwill
* If this is for an icon, please indicate if you need desktop icons or web
application icons.
openQA is a web application. See [https://github.com/os-
autoinst/openQA/issues/536 upstream ticket] - this is at least for use as
a favicon but probably there are other places it would be nice to have a
distro-neutral project icon.
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/437>
Design Team <http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design>
Fedora Design Team
#405: Help designing and laying out an infographic or other digital document for
Fedora Council's EDU Objective.
Reporter: decause | Owner:
Type: Digital Artwork | Status: new
Priority: medium | Severity: Moderately
Keywords: EDU Objective, Logic Model, | Involved
Infographic, Council, Fedora Council, | Blocked By:
Objectives, Initiatives |
Blocking: |
* Deadline
* Size requirements in pixels if applicable
As needed to fit all requisite information
* If this is a logo or icon for an application
No, it is an infographic or poster or some other digital document.
* What application is this for?
This is a request for a lay out to help explain the Logic Model for the
Fedora Council's EDU Initiative:
* Brief description of what the application does
This digital document will be used to explain what the Objective's Logic
Model is (what resources we have, what activities we'll do, and what
outcomes we expect, and what goals are trying to achieve.)
* Packager or developer contact information (IRC nick + email + wiki
profile page link)
decause, decause@redhat, User:decause
* If this is for an icon, please indicate if you need desktop icons or web
application icons.
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/405>
Design Team <http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design>
Fedora Design Team
#199: CSS and logo for Ask Fedora
Reporter: sundaram | Owner: nobody
Type: task | Status: new
Priority: major | Component: Other Artwork
Severity: Quick & Easy | Keywords:
Ask Fedora is a community edited knowledge base, a forum oriented towards
just questions and answers. A test instance is running at
Upstream css file is at
If anyone is interested, let me know and I can make you a admin for the
test instance and you can experiment with the css via the admin settings
which allows for a custom css file which overrides parts of the default
css file as necessary.
A logo would also be nice since we want to promote this site without the
restrictions associated with the Fedora logo
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/199>
Design Team <http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design>
Fedora Design Team