#174: Need namebadge template for FUDCon Tempe -------------------------+-------------------------------------------------- Reporter: rrix | Owner: nobody Type: task | Status: new Priority: major | Component: Other Artwork Severity: Quick & Easy | Keywords: -------------------------+-------------------------------------------------- haiguize,
The FUDCon NA team needs a badge template for the badges we will be printing out for the event's registered attendees.
What I imagine is something like: FUDCon NA logo in one corner
Name centered, bold below that space for the comments field on https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Tempe_2011#Pre-registration
Some sort of SVG that we could shell script in to producing these things in bulk, we just need a template for now. I'd try my hand in Inkscape, but it hates me right now :(
#174: Need namebadge template for FUDCon Tempe -------------------------+-------------------------------------------------- Reporter: rrix | Owner: nobody Type: task | Status: new Priority: major | Component: Other Artwork Severity: Quick & Easy | Resolution: Keywords: | -------------------------+-------------------------------------------------- Comment (by pfrields):
We'll want to also include two small markings for shirt size and V/VV (for vegetarian or vegan, respectively) on the badge. Not a big space issue, just wanted to point out that printing those on the badge makes things very easy for pre-registration table workers!
#174: Need namebadge template for FUDCon Tempe -------------------------+-------------------------------------------------- Reporter: rrix | Owner: nobody Type: task | Status: new Priority: major | Component: Other Artwork Severity: Quick & Easy | Resolution: Keywords: | -------------------------+-------------------------------------------------- Comment (by nushio):
Would adding a QRCode with Name, fas account, blog and/or email be out of the question?
I created a Sample Badge using a QRCode generated by http://qrcode.kaywa.com/ however it's not set as a "QR Contact Card" which would be a lot better.
Hope this helps a bit.
#174: Need namebadge template for FUDCon Tempe -------------------------+-------------------------------------------------- Reporter: rrix | Owner: nobody Type: task | Status: new Priority: major | Component: Other Artwork Severity: Quick & Easy | Resolution: Keywords: | -------------------------+-------------------------------------------------- Comment (by nushio):
Added a horizontal badge: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/162062/SampleBadge- Horiz.png
#174: Need namebadge template for FUDCon Tempe -------------------------+-------------------------------------------------- Reporter: rrix | Owner: nobody Type: task | Status: new Priority: major | Component: Other Artwork Severity: Quick & Easy | Resolution: Keywords: | -------------------------+-------------------------------------------------- Changes (by pfrields):
* cc: ianweller (added)
Wow, that's a really great idea. We do need to keep in mind there's a LOT of variance in the following:
* Information that people provide via FAS * What information a specific scanning device or software will process
To keep things simple, less error-prone, and hopefully as useful as possible, I would propose we use something like the following, encoded in the QR Code:
{{{ BEGIN:VCARD N:John Q. Public URL:http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:jqpublic EMAIL:jqpublic@fedoraproject.org END:VCARD }}}
That's plenty to allow someone to be able to get in touch with you from their conference contacts. I just tried this as a test with my Android phone, using the barcode scanner app I already have, and it works amazingly well. I'm sure there are many other apps that work just as well.
We'll investigate whether we can either (1) work with Ian Weller, design flavored geek to the stars, :-) to create a template to generate PDFs for this using the 'qrencode' utility that's in Fedora already, or (2) try to incorporate this into a ODT of some sort.
#174: Need namebadge template for FUDCon Tempe -------------------------+-------------------------------------------------- Reporter: rrix | Owner: nobody Type: task | Status: closed Priority: major | Component: Other Artwork Severity: Quick & Easy | Resolution: fixed Keywords: | -------------------------+-------------------------------------------------- Changes (by pfrields):
* status: new => closed * resolution: => fixed