Bug ID: 1021605
Summary: No Default Syslog
Product: Fedora Documentation
Version: devel
Component: install-guide
Keywords: Tracking
Assignee: pbokoc(a)
Reporter: pbokoc(a)
QA Contact: docs-qa(a)
CC: brentrbrian(a), johannbg(a),
jreznik(a), kvolny(a),
mattdm(a), pbokoc(a),
yjcoshc(a), zach(a), zbyszek(a)
Depends On: 967521, 998573
Blocks: 1001355, 1001356
+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #998573 +++
This is a tracking bug for Change: No Default Syslog
For more details, see:
No longer install a traditional syslog service by default. (Specifically,
remove rsyslog from the @core or @standard groups in comps.)
--- Additional comment from Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek on 2013-10-08 15:22:54
EDT ---
--- Additional comment from Jaroslav Reznik on 2013-10-11 04:44:57 EDT ---
This message is a reminder that Fedora 20 Accepted Changes 100%
Completed Deadline is on 2013-10-15 [1].
All Accepted Changes has to be code complete and ready to be
validated in the Beta release (optionally by Fedora QA). Required
bug state at this point is ON_QA.
As for several System Wide Changes, Beta Change Deadline is a
point of contingency plan, all incomplete Changes will be
reported to FESCo for 2013-10-16 meeting. In case of any
questions, don't hesitate to ask Wrangler (jreznik).
--- Additional comment from Matthew Miller on 2013-10-15 14:38:53 EDT ---
The basic change to implement this went in, although quite a few packages still
bring in rsyslogd as a dependency. I think this feature is fine as it is, and
we'll detangle that as part of making separate, targeted Fedora products.
--- Additional comment from Jaroslav Reznik on 2013-10-16 06:56:42 EDT ---
Ok, thanks, moving to ON_QA.
--- Additional comment from Karel Volný on 2013-10-21 08:27:14 EDT ---
just FTR, journal brings bug #967521 - how could we switch to this nonsense if
that one is still unresolved?
well, in fact, how could we even have this activated by default, maybe I'm just
out of luck googling, but I see no approval for journal to be used?
--- Additional comment from Jóhann B. Guðmundsson on 2013-10-21 08:59:21 EDT
Just an FYI This feature is not as simple as no default syslog. We need to fix
the entire syslog ( journal/rsyslog/syslog-ng ) implementation in the
distribution, come up with virtual provide ( to sub package or not to sub
package rsyslog/syslog-ng ) as well as fix roughly 600 packages. Now the
proposal on how to do so has been stuck with FPC for 2 years now and until that
has been done and fixed this feature can never be considered 100% complete...
--- Additional comment from Matthew Miller on 2013-10-21 09:10:10 EDT ---
(In reply to Jóhann B. Guðmundsson from comment #6)
> Just an FYI This feature is not as simple as no default syslog. We need to
> fix the entire syslog ( journal/rsyslog/syslog-ng ) implementation in the
> distribution, come up with virtual provide ( to sub package or not to sub
> package rsyslog/syslog-ng ) as well as fix roughly 600 packages. Now the
> proposal on how to do so has been stuck with FPC for 2 years now and until
> that has been done and fixed this feature can never be considered 100%
> complete...
I agree that that's the target, and also that it will continue to be
slow-moving. This feature was intentionally meant to slice off and accomplish a
small portion of that.
--- Additional comment from Brent R Brian on 2013-10-21 09:42:27 EDT ---
My comments are not intended to be a remedy, fix, enoursement of a fix/remedy
or anything other than a "data point".
If you guys need a "lab rat", let me know.
--- Additional comment from Jóhann B. Guðmundsson on 2013-10-21 11:10:22 EDT
(In reply to Matthew Miller from comment #7)
> (In reply to Jóhann B. Guðmundsson from comment #6)
> > Just an FYI This feature is not as simple as no default syslog. We need to
> > fix the entire syslog ( journal/rsyslog/syslog-ng ) implementation in the
> > distribution, come up with virtual provide ( to sub package or not to sub
> > package rsyslog/syslog-ng ) as well as fix roughly 600 packages. Now the
> > proposal on how to do so has been stuck with FPC for 2 years now and until
> > that has been done and fixed this feature can never be considered 100%
> > complete...
> I agree that that's the target, and also that it will continue to be
> slow-moving. This feature was intentionally meant to slice off and
> accomplish a small portion of that.
That is one of the core problem people really as in that feature and related
work are just implemented up to the point it serves the feature requester need
( and is labelled as 100% feature completed ) as opposed to the actual work
required to implement properly into the distribution.
What we need to do is to keep distribute wide changes as these in a separated
branch and switch all the components at the same time when the feature actually
is 100% feature complete
Referenced Bugs:
[Bug 967521] /var/log/journal breaks system startup
[Bug 998573] No Default Syslog
[Bug 1001355] No Default Syslog
[Bug 1001356] No Default Syslog
You are receiving this mail because:
You are the QA Contact for the bug.
Bug ID: 1175759
Summary: Checksum validation in PowerShell is wrong
Product: Fedora Documentation
Version: devel
Component: install-guide
Assignee: pbokoc(a)
Reporter: gliverma(a)
QA Contact: docs-qa(a)
CC: pbokoc(a), zach(a)
Description of problem:
I tried to use the info at…
and found that the commands did not work due to missing quotes and case
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
Fedora 21
How reproducible:
Every time for me.
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Download ISO
2. Download checksum file
3. Use code on…
Actual results:
PS D:\Downloads> $image = "Fedora-Live-Workstation-x86_64-21-5.iso"
PS D:\Downloads> $checksum_file = "Fedora-Workstation-21-x86_64-CHECKSUM.md5"
PS D:\Downloads> $sha256 = New-Object -TypeName
PS D:\Downloads> $exepected_checksum = ((Get-Content $checksum_file |
Select-String -Pattern
$image) -split " ")[0]
PS D:\Downloads> $download_checksum =
At line:1 char:109
+ ... adAllBytes($PWD\$image)))
+ ~
Missing ')' in method call.
At line:1 char:109
+ ... adAllBytes($PWD\$image)))
+ ~~~~~~~
Unexpected token '\$image' in expression or statement.
At line:1 char:116
+ ... tes($PWD\$image)))
+ ~
Unexpected token ')' in expression or statement.
At line:1 char:117
+ ... es($PWD\$image)))
+ ~
Unexpected token ')' in expression or statement.
At line:1 char:118
+ ... s($PWD\$image)))
+ ~
Unexpected token ')' in expression or statement.
+ CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:) [],
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : MissingEndParenthesisInMethodCall
Expected results:
No errors in console
Additional info:
I fixed the code and made the output more readable. Below is what I think
should be posted on that page of the docs:
$image = "Fedora-Live-Workstation-x86_64-21-5.iso"
$checksum_file = "Fedora-Workstation-21-x86_64-CHECKSUM"
$sha256 = New-Object -TypeName
$expected_checksum = ((Get-Content $checksum_file | Select-String -Pattern
$image) -split " ")[0].ToLower()
$download_checksum =
-replace '-', ''
if ( "$download_checksum" -eq "$expected_checksum" ) {
echo "Checksum test passed!"
} else {
echo "Checksum test failed."
echo "Download Checksum: $download_checksum"
echo "Expected Checksum: $expected_checksum"
You are receiving this mail because:
You are the QA Contact for the bug.
The following is a list of bugs or attachments to bugs in which a user has been
waiting more than 7 days for a response from you. Please take
action on these requests as quickly as possible. (Note that some of these bugs
might already be closed, but a user is still waiting for your response.)
We'll remind you again in another 7 days if these requests are still
outstanding, or if there are any new requests where users have been waiting
more than 7 days for your response.
Bug 1124344: yum --security update doesn't work on non-fedora repos. This limitation is probably undocumented. (1455 days old)
To see all your outstanding requests, visit:…
Bug ID: 1629687
Summary: Valuable information missing regarding supported
devices (revision 25-0 Mon Nov 14, 2016)
Product: Fedora Documentation
Version: devel
Component: virtualization-getting-started-guide
Severity: low
Assignee: pbokoc(a)
Reporter: ricky.tigg(a)
QA Contact: docs-qa(a)
CC: dayleparker(a), docs(a)
Description of problem: valuable information missing regarding supported
Expected results: at…
Updated: 2018-08-23) it is stated:
RHEL7 supports:
' up to 216 virtio devices' and 'up to 32 assigned devices per virtual
Similar information to be provided in documentation
You are receiving this mail because:
You are the QA Contact for the bug.
The following is a list of bugs or attachments to bugs in which a user has been
waiting more than 7 days for a response from you. Please take
action on these requests as quickly as possible. (Note that some of these bugs
might already be closed, but a user is still waiting for your response.)
We'll remind you again in another 7 days if these requests are still
outstanding, or if there are any new requests where users have been waiting
more than 7 days for your response.
Bug 1124344: yum --security update doesn't work on non-fedora repos. This limitation is probably undocumented. (1448 days old)
To see all your outstanding requests, visit:…
Bug ID: 1627817
Summary: Non-accurate statements regarding screenshots from
Anaconda installation
Product: Fedora Documentation
Version: devel
Component: install-guide
Severity: low
Assignee: pbokoc(a)
Reporter: ricky.tigg(a)
QA Contact: docs-qa(a)
CC: pbokoc(a), zach(a)
Description of problem: non-accurate statements at…
is is stated:
'press Shift+Print Screen at any time during the graphical installation to
capture the current screen. These screenshots are saved to
Actual results: combination 'shift + Print Screen' does not operate on physical
hardware, 'Fn + Print Screen' does, and only from the moment either Anaconda
boot options 'Start Fedora-Workstation-Live [version-number]', 'Test this media
& start Fedora-Workstation-Live [version-number]' is selected and installer has
reached a phase in which a graphical environment is displayed
File /tmp/anaconda-screenshots is non-existent in the Liveuser's resources
tree. Screenshots are found from /home/Liveuser/Pictures.
You are receiving this mail because:
You are the QA Contact for the bug.
The following is a list of bugs or attachments to bugs in which a user has been
waiting more than 7 days for a response from you. Please take
action on these requests as quickly as possible. (Note that some of these bugs
might already be closed, but a user is still waiting for your response.)
We'll remind you again in another 7 days if these requests are still
outstanding, or if there are any new requests where users have been waiting
more than 7 days for your response.
Bug 1124344: yum --security update doesn't work on non-fedora repos. This limitation is probably undocumented. (1441 days old)
To see all your outstanding requests, visit:…
The following is a list of bugs or attachments to bugs in which a user has been
waiting more than 7 days for a response from you. Please take
action on these requests as quickly as possible. (Note that some of these bugs
might already be closed, but a user is still waiting for your response.)
We'll remind you again in another 7 days if these requests are still
outstanding, or if there are any new requests where users have been waiting
more than 7 days for your response.
Bug 1124344: yum --security update doesn't work on non-fedora repos. This limitation is probably undocumented. (1434 days old)
To see all your outstanding requests, visit:…