Bug ID: 2060893
Summary: Create vision how to handle Perl modules in case of
Product: Fedora Documentation
Version: devel
Status: NEW
Component: technical-notes
Assignee: pbokoc(a)
Reporter: mspacek(a)
QA Contact: docs-qa(a)
CC: wb8rcr(a), zach(a)
Target Milestone: ---
Classification: Fedora
We have Perl modules in Fedora, which are implementing security algorithms
directly (in C or Perl).
This mean, that we cannot control functionality by crypto-policies.
We need to create some vision how this situation handle.
Output should be a document, which describe actual situation and suggests real
solutions which fix this situation.
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Bug ID: 1855464
Summary: how to create and activate swapfiles post-install
Product: Fedora Documentation
Version: devel
Status: NEW
Component: docs-requests
Assignee: pbokoc(a)
Reporter: bugzilla(a)
QA Contact: docs-qa(a)
CC: nobody(a), sparks(a),
Target Milestone: ---
Classification: Fedora
This feature means by default there will be no swap partition by default
Some folks might want/need disk based swap.
pros: easy to setup; no reboot required; supported on btrfs, ext4, xfs;
cons: hibernation is sketchy. it should work on ext4, might work on xfs, does
not work on btrfs (it can but requires a tool to find an offset, due to the
lack of a standard interface across all file systems, for automatically finding
the offset)
pros: no limitations
cons: takes up space, isn't resizeable; more complicated/risky to create;
requires reboot.
The installer's custom partitioning will continue to permit the creation of a
swap partition and will configure for hibernation.
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Bug ID: 2033158
Summary: Grub documentation out of date in System
Administration Guide
Product: Fedora Documentation
Version: devel
Status: NEW
Component: system-administrator's-guide
Assignee: pbokoc(a)
Reporter: fedora(a)
QA Contact: docs-qa(a)
CC: swadeley(a)
Target Milestone: ---
Classification: Fedora
Description of problem:
Grub2 documentation is out of date in System Administrators Guide.
It explains how grub was configured in previous releases, but doesn't explain
the current configuration and tools sufficiently/
* systemd Boot Loader Specification (/boot/loader/entries)
* grubby description is inaccurate (it says it edits grub.cfg, while it looks
like it now edits /boot/loader/entries/*conf files)
* location of grub config (/boot/grub2/grub.cfg, even on EFI systems now)
* menuentries in grub.cfg (not used now)
* Gives instruction to `grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/EFI/fedora/grub.cfg`
several times, but that is not the proper location now
* Above command is given for "Editing a Menu Entry" to change kernel command
args, but it doesn't do that any more. grubby must be used for that task.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
Fedora 35 Documentation:…
Rawhide documentation appears the same.
How reproducible:
It's documentation, so every time.
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Look at Fedora documentation to see where kernel menuentries are defined
2. Documentation says /boot/efi/EFI/fedora/grub.cfg
3. That is not correct.
Actual results:
1. /boot/efi/EFI/fedora/grub.cfg is only a stub to load /boot/grub2/grub.cfg,
even on EFI systems (documentation says this file is BIOS only)
2. No kernel menu entries are defined there, either
3. Kernel menu entries defined in /boot/loader/entries/*conf files, and
probed by grub via unknown mechanism
Expected results:
Expected documentation to match and explain grub configuration on a current
Fedora system.
Additional info:
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Bug ID: 1993662
Summary: In F34 /usr/bin/X process is a wrapper of
Product: Fedora Documentation
Version: devel
Status: NEW
Component: system-administrator's-guide
Assignee: pbokoc(a)
Reporter: sinosuse(a)
QA Contact: docs-qa(a)
CC: swadeley(a)
Target Milestone: ---
Classification: Fedora
Description of problem:…
command "ps aux|grep /usr/bin/X"
In f34, /usr/bin/X is linked to /usr/bin/Xorg, which is wrapper of
[suse@suse ~]$ ls -altr /usr/bin/X
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Apr 14 18:58 /usr/bin/X -> Xorg
[suse@suse ~]$ ls -altr /usr/bin/Xorg
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 277 Apr 14 18:55 /usr/bin/Xorg
[suse@suse ~]$ cat /usr/bin/Xorg
# Execute Xorg.wrap if it exists otherwise execute Xorg directly.
# This allows distros to put the suid wrapper in a separate package.
if [ -x "$basedir"/Xorg.wrap ]; then
exec "$basedir"/Xorg.wrap "$@"
exec "$basedir"/Xorg "$@"
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
Actual results:
Expected results:
suggest to use command "ps aux|grep Xorg"
Additional info:
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Bug ID: 1831542
Summary: Documentation of PEERNTP variable
Product: Fedora Documentation
Version: devel
Status: NEW
Component: system-administrator's-guide
Assignee: pbokoc(a)
Reporter: mlichvar(a)
QA Contact: docs-qa(a)
CC: swadeley(a)
Target Milestone: ---
Classification: Fedora
Description of problem:
The PEERNTP variable, which can be set to "no" in /etc/sysconfig/network in
order to disable use of NTP servers provided by the DHCP server, is described
in the "Configuring NTP Using ntpd" section, but not in the "Configuring NTP
Using the chrony Suite".
Both ntp and chrony follow this setting. The documentation should make it clear
that NTP servers provided by DHCP are enabled by default.
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Bug ID: 1662306
Summary: TigerVNC Configuration Page out of date
Product: Fedora Documentation
Version: devel
Hardware: x86_64
OS: Linux
Status: NEW
Component: system-administrator's-guide
Severity: medium
Assignee: pbokoc(a)
Reporter: colin.henry(a)
QA Contact: docs-qa(a)
CC: swadeley(a)
Target Milestone: ---
Classification: Fedora
Description of problem:
Documentation does not reflect current file configuration
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
Fedora 29
How reproducible:
Try and follow the instructions on the configuration page, it tells you to
change settings that aren't there. For instance, users are told to edit the
and change:
ExecStart=/sbin/runuser -l USER -c "/usr/bin/vncserver %i -geometry 1280x1024"
Whereas the actual file contains:
ExecStart=/usr/bin/vncserver -autokill %i
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Go to the documentation page:…
2. Install tigervnc-server
3. Look at the configuration file /lib/systemd/system/vncserver@.service
Actual results:
The files differ significantly, also following the instructions in the
configuration file fails to start vnc successfully, but I'll file a bug for
that separately.
Expected results:
Configuration documentation should match the files on the host
Additional info:
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Bug ID: 2037234
Summary: [] Fedora help menu is not contextual to
the current edition
Product: Fedora Documentation
Version: devel
Status: NEW
Component: homepage
Severity: medium
Assignee: pbokoc(a)
Reporter: pprinett(a)
QA Contact: docs-qa(a)
CC: dimitris(a), zach(a)
Target Milestone: ---
Classification: Fedora
Description of problem:
On all pages of I am presented with a blue header bar containing
three menus: "Editions", "Help" and "Wiki". Those items are universal in the
context of Fedora: when clicking on "Help->Documentation" for example, I am
asked to choose from all possible help topics independently of the page I am
currently seeing. This behaviour, which is easy to understand on the Fedora
home page, can be confusing when I land (say, from a search engine) directly on
the page of a specific Fedora edition.
For example: upon landing on the Fedora IoT downloads page[1], I might want to
check the docs. If I click on "Help->Documentation" (the only apparent link to
the docs), I am presented a list of many products to choose from, whereas I
expected to navigate in the context of Fedora IoT.
Perhaps the problem could be solved by simply adding a "Documentation" link
next to "Overview" and "Download" in the gray header bar, which (as opposed to
the blue one) is apparently contextual to the specific edition I am seeing.
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Bug ID: 2037222
Summary: [] Fedora IoT download formats are not
Product: Fedora Documentation
Version: devel
Status: NEW
Component: homepage
Severity: medium
Assignee: pbokoc(a)
Reporter: pprinett(a)
QA Contact: docs-qa(a)
CC: dimitris(a), zach(a)
Target Milestone: ---
Classification: Fedora
Description of problem:
On the Fedora IoT downloads page[1], I am presented with two formats: "Raw
Images" versus "Installer ISOs". It is not explained why I would choose one
over the other.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
Fedora IoT 35
How I got there:
1. I searched 'Fedora iot' in your favourite search engine
2. I landed on ''
3. I clicked 'Download' in the top right-hand corner of the page
Actual results:
I am presented the two format options without any explanation
Expected results:
I am presented the download format that matches the documentation
Additional info:
In the Fedora IoT documentation[2], neither the words "Raw Image" nor
"Installer ISO" seem to be ever mentioned.
In both the "Getting Started" sections "Setting up a Virtual Machine" and
"Setting up a Physical Device", the command-line examples refer to the
downloaded file as `Ferora-IoT-[version].raw.xz` (and not .iso).
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Bug ID: 1997970
Summary: Typo on release page of a package on
Product: Fedora Documentation
Version: devel
Status: NEW
Component: homepage
Assignee: pbokoc(a)
Reporter: eva.timbs(a)
QA Contact: docs-qa(a)
CC: dimitris(a), zach(a)
Target Milestone: ---
Classification: Fedora
When clicking on a release of a package the new site, e.g. [1], displays a back
link near the top with the description "↵ Retrun to the main page of <pkg>".
Note the misspelled "Return".
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