Bug ID: 1047545
Summary: [pa_IN] Lohit Fonts Display Issue
Product: Fedora
Version: 20
Component: lohit-punjabi-fonts
Assignee: psatpute(a)
Reporter: aalam(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: asaini(a), fonts-bugs(a),
i18n-bugs(a), psatpute(a)
Created attachment 843827
Lohit Fonts on Fedora.
Description of problem:
Punjabi Lohit font has display issue although Technical rendering is good, but
display is not Good.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Copy Paste (ਸੈ ਸੋ ਉੱ) text
2. check rendering for dependent vowel with Consonants/Independent
Actual results:
Dependent character mixed with Consonants/Independent
Expected results:
Dependent character should more clear
Additional info:
1st Screenshot
- Fedora 20 with konversation (kde) and Gedit (GNOME) applications.
Unicode Charts
Try to attach screenshot on Windows with Raavi Fonts
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Bug ID: 1000691
Summary: Cardo font unusable, badly displayed
Product: Fedora
Version: 19
Component: scholarsfonts-cardo-fonts
Severity: urgent
Assignee: pnemade(a)
Reporter: rivocantus-local(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: fonts-bugs(a),
i18n-bugs(a), pnemade(a)
Description of problem:
Font is badly displayed so that it is unreadable.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
When used in Abiword or LibreOffice Writer.
Actual results:
In LibreOffice:
Letters are cut vertically. However when printed to pdf it becomes better.
In Abiword it creates very large vertical line on cursor, otherwise font
In both cases typing is very unpleasent. Which makes it difficult to
concentrate on the work.
Expected results:
Neatness. This font has a great potential.
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Bug ID: 1036332
Summary: [abrt] ibus-1.5.4-2.fc20: _g_log_abort: Process
/usr/bin/ibus-daemon was killed by signal 6 (SIGABRT)
Product: Fedora
Version: 20
Component: ibus
Assignee: tfujiwar(a)
Reporter: leajcastro(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: i18n-bugs(a),
shawn.p.huang(a), tfujiwar(a)
Version-Release number of selected component:
Additional info:
reporter: libreport-2.1.9
backtrace_rating: 4
cmdline: /usr/bin/ibus-daemon --replace --xim --panel disable
crash_function: _g_log_abort
executable: /usr/bin/ibus-daemon
kernel: 3.11.9-300.fc20.x86_64
runlevel: N 5
type: CCpp
uid: 1000
Truncated backtrace:
Thread no. 1 (9 frames)
#2 _g_log_abort at gmessages.c:255
#5 bus_dbus_impl_dispatch_message_by_rule at dbusimpl.c:1901
#6 bus_dbus_impl_connection_filter_cb at dbusimpl.c:1578
#7 on_worker_message_about_to_be_sent at gdbusconnection.c:2426
#8 _g_dbus_worker_emit_message_about_to_be_sent at gdbusprivate.c:502
#9 continue_writing at gdbusprivate.c:1496
#10 continue_writing_in_idle_cb at gdbusprivate.c:1557
#15 gdbus_shared_thread_func at gdbusprivate.c:278
#16 g_thread_proxy at gthread.c:798
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Bug ID: 981475
Summary: Improper glyph names in Lohit fonts
Product: Fedora
Version: rawhide
Component: lohit-fonts
Severity: unspecified
Priority: unspecified
Assignee: extras-orphan(a)
Reporter: khaledhosny(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: extras-orphan(a),
petersen(a), pnemade(a),
For purposes of text extraction from PDF files, glyphs should be named in
accordance with Adobe Glyph Naming convention
( Most glyphs in
Lohit fonts follow this convention properly, but some do not. I did not do an
extensive review, but I noticed several occurances of glyph names like:
Which is wrong, since step 1 of the mapping algorithm in the above link will
drop the part of glyph name after the first occurence of a peroid, so only
u0919_u094D will remain which is assume is not what is wanted here. A proper
name would then be:
or something like that (the part after the peroid is completely ignored, so it
can be anything).
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comments should be made in the comments box of this bug.
Summary: Idea for setting individual fallback language
Summary: Idea for setting individual fallback language
Product: Fedora
Version: rawhide
Platform: All
OS/Version: Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: medium
Priority: low
Component: system-config-language
AssignedTo: psatpute(a)
ReportedBy: ncfiedler(a)
QAContact: extras-qa(a)
CC: psatpute(a),
i18n-bugs(a), nkumar(a)
Classification: Fedora
Description of problem:
system-config-language only sets one language, but does not give the user the
possibility to set an individual fallback language. But this would be
appreciated not to fall back to English per default. In the case of Low German
(nds) for example it does not make any sense to fallback to English but to
German (de).
An example for this functionality could be ubuntus language-selector for GNOME
desktops. (
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
Actual results:
Expected results:
It would be nice, if system-config-language would be able to set individual
fallback languages. (compare ubuntus language-selector)
Additional info:
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Bug ID: 983979
Summary: yum doesn't remove no longer needed packages with
Product: Fedora
Version: 19
Component: yum-langpacks
Severity: low
Priority: unspecified
Assignee: notting(a)
Reporter: yoursdearboy(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: i18n-bugs(a),
james.antill(a), notting(a),
petersen(a), pnemade(a)
Description of problem:
yum doesn't remove packages with langpacks that no longer needed by any other
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Install any package with deps that have langpacks (e. g. libreoffice-writer
has mythes dependency with mythes-%s langpacks)
2. Remove this package
Actual results:
Dependencies with langpacks won't be erased
Expected results:
All leftover dependencies should be erased
Additional info:
For example: if I install libreoffice-writer it pulls mythes and language packs
mythes-en, mythes-ru. If I delete libreoffice-writer package mythes won't be
As I understand it happens because packages mythes-ru, mythes-en installs "by
user" and have mythes dependency.
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Product: Fedora
Bug ID: 882267
Summary: Warning about /etc/fonts/conf.d/50-user.conf
Product: Fedora
Version: 18
Component: fontconfig
Severity: unspecified
Priority: unspecified
Reporter: mefoster(a)
Description of problem:
Running appes such as gvim under KDE results in a warning to STDERR like this:
Fontconfig warning: "/etc/fonts/conf.d/50-user.conf", line 9: reading
configurations from ~/.fonts.conf is deprecated.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Every time
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Run "gvim"
Actual results:
Expected results:
No warning
Additional info:
I don't know if it's relevant that I use KDE as a desktop environment and that
this error comes up with gvim, but that's where I specifically noticed it.
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Bug ID: 842568
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
Severity: unspecified
Version: rawhide
Priority: unspecified
CC: fonts-bugs(a),
petersen(a), psatpute(a)
Assignee: psatpute(a)
Summary: Bad spacing in Liberation Mono with BCI-hinting
Regression: ---
Story Points: ---
Classification: Fedora
OS: Linux
Reporter: xously(a)
Type: Bug
Documentation: ---
Hardware: x86_64
Mount Type: ---
Status: NEW
Component: liberation-fonts
Product: Fedora
Created attachment 599962
Spacing of "s"
Description of problem:
Applies to Liberation Mono with BCI-hinting.
"s" is too far to the right or left, depending on the font size. E.g. "users"
looks like "user s" at size 11. (See first attachment for font sizes 8-16.)
"ow" is merging in bold font, at least at size 11. E.g. in "downloads". (See
second attachment.)
Version-Release number of selected component:
How reproducible:
Always with this ".fonts.conf":
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
<match target="font">
<edit name="antialias" mode="assign">
<match target="font">
<edit name="hinting" mode="assign">
<match target="font">
<edit name="hintstyle" mode="assign">
<match target="font">
<edit name="rgba" mode="assign">
<match target="font">
<edit mode="assign" name="lcdfilter">
With auto-hinting enabled instead, these problems do not occur:
<match target="pattern" name="family">
<test name="family" qual="any">
<string>Liberation Mono</string>
<edit name="autohint" mode="assign">
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Summary: transifex may need to be rebuilt against Python 2.7 in F14 and rawhide
Summary: transifex may need to be rebuilt against Python 2.7 in
F14 and rawhide
Product: Fedora
Version: 14
Platform: All
OS/Version: Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: medium
Priority: low
Component: transifex
AssignedTo: ivazqueznet(a)
ReportedBy: dmalcolm(a)
QAContact: extras-qa(a)
CC: ivazqueznet(a), diegobz(a),
rpandit(a), i18n-bugs(a)
Depends on: 623233
Blocks: 619913
Classification: Fedora
Target Release: ---
This is an automatically-filed bug.
transifex-0.8.0-0.1.alpha.fc13 contains one or more .pyc files, but has not
been rebuilt since Python 2.7 was built for Fedora, and thus the .pyc files
presumably are for Python 2.6. Python 2.7 changed the bytecode format, so
usage of those files will typically fail (see e.g. bug 621726).
The package needs to be rebuilt against python 2.7 in both F14 and devel.
Information on the new "dist-git" system can be seen here:
Information on common difficulties with Python 2.7 rebuilds can be seen here:
Once it's been successfully rebuilt for F14, an update needs to be filed to get
the rebuild into F14:
Please add this bug to the update, to make it easy to track what's been done,
and what's left to do.
I'm sorry that this component was not handled by the mass rebuild. (This may
be due to bug 623233)
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Summary: ibus-xkbc may need to be rebuilt against Python 2.7 in F14 and rawhide
Summary: ibus-xkbc may need to be rebuilt against Python 2.7 in
F14 and rawhide
Product: Fedora
Version: 14
Platform: All
OS/Version: Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: medium
Priority: low
Component: ibus-xkbc
AssignedTo: pwu(a)
ReportedBy: dmalcolm(a)
QAContact: extras-qa(a)
CC: i18n-bugs(a), pwu(a),
Depends on: 623233
Blocks: 619913
Classification: Fedora
Target Release: ---
This is an automatically-filed bug.
ibus-xkbc- contains one or more .pyc files, but has not
been rebuilt since Python 2.7 was built for Fedora, and thus the .pyc files
presumably are for Python 2.6. Python 2.7 changed the bytecode format, so
usage of those files will typically fail (see e.g. bug 621726).
The package needs to be rebuilt against python 2.7 in both F14 and devel.
Information on the new "dist-git" system can be seen here:
Information on common difficulties with Python 2.7 rebuilds can be seen here:
Once it's been successfully rebuilt for F14, an update needs to be filed to get
the rebuild into F14:
Please add this bug to the update, to make it easy to track what's been done,
and what's left to do.
I'm sorry that this component was not handled by the mass rebuild. (This may
be due to bug 623233)
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