With 5.13 having been officially released, we will work towards the typical path of stabilizing 5.13 for rebases. This means a test week in about 2 weeks, and Fedora 33 and 34 will rebase to a 5.13 kernel shortly after the test week, depending on the feedback we get. I have created a branch in the kernel-ark repository where 5.13 will be maintained. I am accepting merge requests into the fedora-5.13 branch right now. Unfortunately, that branch is not properly buildable until 5.13.1 is released. At some point I should update our scripts to be a bit more flexible. Also of note, the os-build branch has been fully rebased on top of 5.13 so that our patches are not so out of date. More information on that will follow shortly, but do not be surprised when a simple git pull will not work.
Thanks, Justin