I've released 0.6.0 of https://github.com/ktdreyer/txkoji
This version includes a read-through cache to translate user IDs and
tag IDs to names. Koji's messagebus plugin publishes many messages
referring to user IDs and tag IDs, and it's helpful for long-running
processes to cache the names of these values in order to avoid hitting
the Koji hub for each ID-to-name translation.
This version also populates many more attributes on the Task class,
like .arch, .tag, .package, etc. by parsing the task methods' unique
parameter orders.
- Ken
Dear, All
Brew/Koji team would like to invite you to *fill in Koji Community Meeting
before Aug 1st.
That would help us decide whether to keep or how to improve the Koji
community meeting in future.
Welcome and appreciate your feedback.