Koji 1.29.0 is out. As usual - Thanks to everyone who contributed!
You can read release notes here: https://docs.pagure.org/koji/release_notes/release_notes_1.29/
Highlights: * gssapi_login is retried in most cases now which would help with temporary network issues (#3248) * koji now works with git > 2.35.2 (#3355) * attaching warning log for CG-imported builds (if build contains content outside of koji) (#3257) * much more input validation for better security (#3318) * mock's forcearch and relver options are now available in tag's extras (#3358) * Driver Update Disks plugin - you can build them now in koji (#3217) * tag2distrepo plugin - we've adopted it from Fedora (#3326) * documentation updates * 57 pull requests
You can view the 1.29 roadmap at https://pagure.io/koji/roadmap/1.29 For the current roadmap, see https://pagure.io/koji/roadmap
You can download this and other releases at https://pagure.io/koji/releases