I'm trying to setup a local Fedora 14 repo (just for fun) and would like to
know how many space it will take for a i386 architecture? Last time i tried
creating a local Debian repo, it cost me around 20 GB+
I'd be referring to
Does the stuff in that article still valid? Just change the number 8 to 14
would do?
Thanks for any tip.
Umarzuki Mochlis
Hi ... I'm restarting the Fedora meetups
we already have a place, so meeting up to hack around shouldnt be an issue ..
Format which i have in mind
-> simple monthly gathering
-> by default, a meetup is the time for us to gather around, raise
issues which we can improve, and fix it ..
-> if someone decided to do a talk or some other activities, just
inform at least 1 week earlier on topic ..
-> default venue is Inigo office .. but if theres activities which is
targeting a larger audience , we'll need other places.
Mohd Izhar Firdaus Bin Ismail / KageSenshi
Inigo Consulting (FOSS/Plone Development, Training & Services)
Fedora Malaysia Contributor & Ambassador
92C2 B295 B40B B3DC 6866 5011 5BD2 584A 8A5D 7331
Another aftermath of releaseparty.
We needed a mechanism to easily overwrite files from upstream fedora,
while not maintaining the packages ourselves. Theres no way to do that
before, but its possible now !
svn co https://dev.inigo-tech.com/svn/izhar/YumOverwrite/trunk/ YumOverwrite
tar cvjf YumOverwrite.tar.bz2 YumOverwrite
rpmbuild -tb YumOverwrite.tar.bz2
rpm -ivh path/to/generated/rpm
create a configuration in /etc/sysconfig/overwrite.d/ with a name that
ends with .cfg (eg: pidginicon.cfg)
config format:
packagename is the rpm package you want to overwrite . eg: pidgin
Once you've created that, simply yum install packagename (or reinstall) ..
and the plugin will automatically replace the original with your replacement
p/s: this is useful if you guys wanna create an icon rpm package :D
if anybody have patches or ideas, feel free to spam .. of course, code
worth more than ideas :P
Mohd Izhar Firdaus Bin Ismail / KageSenshi
Inigo Consulting (FOSS/Plone Development, Training & Services)
Fedora Malaysia Contributor & Ambassador
92C2 B295 B40B B3DC 6866 5011 5BD2 584A 8A5D 7331
Thanks to those who came to the party :D ..
Anyway, here's a summary on the small discussion we had on a potential
pet project for fedoramy:
codename: Armory
Armory is a tool for developing remix, and managing remix kickstarts
Primary goals:
* improve revisor (or write a replacement)
* come up with a mechanism for cleanly overwriting files from
upstream package,
while not removing them.
* a tool to manage kickstarts and kickstart inheritance
Sideline goal
* Create several remixes to test out/figure out issues with the code for the
primary goals
More Details:
Ok, this will involve lots of coding for a long period of time. Considering our
community doesnt have that many coders in the first place, this can be tricky
to boot. So probably I'll be doing some programming classes for the first few
months to the interested team, but that all will depend on how dedicated are
the volunteers are.
Anyway, for a start, I've spent yesterday creating an initial buildout-powered
egg package for armory which have been somewhat isolated from the system python.
Feature wise, it can build a livecd without issue (thanks to the livecd-creator
The code is here : https://dev.inigo-tech.com/svn/izhar/armory.core/trunk/
To deploy, you'll need to be on Fedora 14, with these dependencies
installed from
* git
* subversion
* python-urlgrabber
* python-pycurl
* rpm-python
* libselinux-python
* system-config-keyboard
* dbus-python
Then, run these commands::
svn co https://dev.inigo-tech.com/svn/izhar/armory.core/trunk/ armory.core
cd armory.core
python bootstrap.py
./bin/buildout -vvv
That should automatically build armory and pull other python dependencies from
the internet.
You can create a livecd using:
./bin/armory-cli <name> <path/to/kickstart.ks>
Caching is enforced by default and is stored in /var/tmp/imgcreate-cache
You can create a configuration file to configure the cache location
tempdir = /home/user/armory-tmp
cachedir = /home/user/armory-cache
and run armory using:
./bin/armory-cli -c </path/to/config.cfg> <name> <path/to/kickstart.ks>
And that will make use of the values in the configuration
You can also configure a mirror overwrite in the configuration. eg:
fedora = http://ftp.jaist.ac.jp/pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/14/Everything/x86_64/os/
updates = http://ftp.jaist.ac.jp/pub/Linux/Fedora/updates/14/x86_64/
and you can make use of the mirror using:
./bin/armory-cli -c </path/to/config.cfg> <name>
<path/to/kickstart.ks> -m jaist
Also, looking at the code of revisor, probably it makes more sense to
just dump revisor and
start writing a new tool .. XD .. the livecd, install cd generator
code seems to be external
libraries anyway.
Mohd Izhar Firdaus Bin Ismail / KageSenshi
Inigo Consulting (FOSS/Plone Development, Training & Services)
Fedora Malaysia Contributor & Ambassador
92C2 B295 B40B B3DC 6866 5011 5BD2 584A 8A5D 7331