====================================================== #gluster-meeting: Weekly Community Meeting 31/Aug/2015 ======================================================
Meeting started by rastar at 12:01:59 UTC. The full logs are available at https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/gluster-meeting/2016-08-31/weekly_communit... .
Meeting summary --------------- * Rollcall (rastar, 12:02:20)
* Next week's meeting host (rastar, 12:07:06) * kshlm will host the next meeting. (rastar, 12:08:24)
* GlusterFS-4.0 (rastar, 12:08:38)
* GlusterFS-3.9 (rastar, 12:11:32) * LINK: http://www.gluster.org/pipermail/maintainers/2016-August/001262.html (atinm, 12:18:32) * ACTION: improve cleanup to control the processes that test starts (rastar, 12:24:53)
* GlusterFS-3.8 (rastar, 12:26:14)
* GlusterFS-3.7 (rastar, 12:32:12)
* Project Infrastructure (rastar, 12:35:39) * Reboot of jenkins/gerrit for upgrade and snapshot on September 1st (rastar, 12:39:31) * LINK: https://github.com/gluster/glusterfs-patch-acceptance-tests/blob/master/cent... (ndevos, 12:47:38)
* Ganesha (rastar, 12:51:31) * NFS-Ganesha GA around 3rd week of September (rastar, 12:53:15) * NFS-Ganesha 2.4 GA around 3rd week of September (rastar, 12:53:47)
* Samba (rastar, 12:54:06) * Samba 4.5rc3 tagged on Aug 29th (rastar, 12:56:10)
* Last weeks AI (jiffin, 12:57:20)
* pranithk/aravindavk/dblack to send out a reminder about the feature deadline for 3.9 (jiffin, 12:57:52) * LINK: http://www.gluster.org/pipermail/gluster-devel/2016-August/050627.html (ndevos, 12:59:28) * pranithk send out a reminder about the feature deadline for 3.9 in ML (jiffin, 13:00:01)
* Open Floor (jiffin, 13:00:45)
* Announcements / Reminders (jiffin, 13:07:11)
Meeting ended at 13:08:05 UTC.
Action Items ------------ * improve cleanup to control the processes that test starts
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * **UNASSIGNED** * improve cleanup to control the processes that test starts
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * rastar (86) * nigelb (35) * kkeithley (27) * jiffin (26) * ndevos (24) * kshlm (17) * jdarcy (13) * atinm (12) * partner (10) * hagarth (7) * obnox (6) * aravindavk (5) * misc (5) * zodbot (4) * glusterbot (3) * post-factum (2) * rjoseph (1) * samikshan (1) * msvbhat (1) * jiffin1 (1)
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