#308: Cheat cubes need updating -------------------------+---------------------------- Reporter: ankursinha | Owner: m0000g Type: task | Status: assigned Priority: minor | Component: Other Artwork Severity: Quick & Easy | Resolution: Keywords: | Blocked By: Blocking: | -------------------------+----------------------------
Comment (by ankursinha):
Replying to [comment:3 m0000g]:
Dear Ankur, i really sorry for the delay. I found a way to finish this
request in my pomodoro breaks :). Please check the commands descriptions, i remove some words in order to arrange the text to the small area that i have..
$ systemctl (get|set)-default #get or set the default target level I changed to $ systemctl (get|set)-default #get/set default target
Tell me if is ok.
Best regards, MG.
Hi Maria,
It looks good! :D
The "P" of package management is slightly cutting into the folding line. Could you please fix the alignment? I think the rest is awesome :)
Thanks! Warm regards, Ankur