Hola a todos.
Por favor,. ayudar a unirse como embajador a Rafael Marquez, de Nicaragua.
---Hernan Pachas
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rafael Márquez <marquezc2005(a)gmail.com>
Date: Jul 28, 2007 12:06 AM
Subject: Re: Hola desde Nicaragua
To: Hernan Pachas <hernan.pachas(a)gmail.com>
Hola nuevamente :P
acabo de ver la parte donde dice que debo solicitar a un miembro del
editGroup que me agregue como miembro de este grupo.
Así que por medio de este e-mail te estoy solicitando encarecidamente el que
me agregues a este grupo.
Rafael Márquez Castro
Linux User # 440816
Visita: mifedoracore.blogspot.comanimenic.blogspot.com
Encamino a vosotros...
David Barzilay
Manager, Marketing Brasil
Community Relations Latin America
A revolução chegou!
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Platform
Holla a todos!!
Leiam a entrevista abaixo feita com Linus Torvalds:
A curiosity: which is your favourite distribution, and which on e do you
consider more secure?
I don't really tend to care much, I've changed distributions over the years,
and to me the most important thing tends to be that they are easy to install
and upgrade, and allow me to do the only part I really care about - the
So the only major distribution I've never used has actually been Debian,
exactly because that has traditionally been harder to install. Which sounds
kind of strange, since Debian is also considered to be the "hard-core
technical" distribution, but that's literally exactly what I personally do *
not* want in a distro. I'll take the nice ones with simple installers etc,
because to me, that's the whole and only point of using a distribution in
the first place.
So I've used SuSE, Red Hat, Ubuntu, YDL (I ran my main setup on
PowerPC-based machines for a while, and YDL - Yellow Dog Linux - ended up
the easiest choice). Right now, most of my machines seem to have Fedora 7 on
then, but that's only a statement of fact, not meant to be that I think it's
necessarily "better" than the other distros.
Hola a tod@s, una consulta, para alguien que aun no es embajador de fedora
en su país, es posible recibir algún tipo de patrocinio para alguna
actividad ? (Me refiero a cd o dvds de la distro o camisetas)
Rafael Márquez Castro
Linux User # 440816
Visita: mifedoracore.blogspot.comanimenic.blogspot.com
Hola a tod@s, mi nombre es Rafael Márquez, soy de Nicaragua y estoy tratando
de formar una comunidad de fedora en mi país, ya estoy inscrito en el sitio
de fedora, quisiera pedirle ayuda para ser un embajador de fedora en mi
Rafael Márquez Castro
Linux User # 440816
Visita: mifedoracore.blogspot.com