Buenas tardes,
En el equipo CommOps estamos trabajando para crear un "FOSS Student
Pack", y para obtener un poco de feedback desde el punto de vista del
público en general, y más especificamente de estudiantes, hemos
pensado en aprovechar la cercanía del FLISoL para hacer la siguiente
encuesta (en inglés):
- Are you using Linux?
- What come to mind when you hear “Student Pack”? [ “Not sure” option ]
- If programming, what languages / stacks are are you familiar with? [
Check all that apply ]
- Python
- C/C++
- C#
- JavaScript
- Other: __
- Which of the following do you use in your classes and projects? [
Check all that apply ]
- Design/Graphics Suites: _______
- Office Suites: ____
- Audio Edition: ____
- IDEs: _____
- Programming frameworks: ______
- Robotics/electronic Suites: ______
- Hardware: _____
- What tools do you think can be made to work in Linux?
Esto es tomando en cuenta que usualmente este evento es llevado a cabo
en universidades, y los estudiantes universitarios son nuestro
principal objetivo con este proyecto.
¿Es posible que puedan ayudarnos con este punto? Yo estaré llevando a
cabo la encuesta en Chile.
Good afternoon,
In the CommOps team we are working to create a "FOSS Student Pack",
and to get some feedback from the point of view of the general public,
and more specifically from students, we have thought of taking
advantage of FLISoL's proximity to do the following Survey (in
- Are you using Linux?
- What does "Student Pack" mean to you? ["Not sure" option]
- If programming, what languages are you familiar with? [Check all that apply]
- Python
- C / C ++
- C #
- JavaScript
- Other: __
- Which of the following do you use in your classes and projects?
[Check all that apply]
- Design / Graphics Suites: _______
- Office Suites: ____
- Audio Edition: ____
- IDEs: _____
- Programming frameworks: ______
- Robotics / electronic Suites: ______
- Hardware: _____
- What tools do you think can be made to work in Linux?
This is taking into account that this event is usually held in
universities, and university students are our main objective with this
Is it possible that you can help us with this point? I will be running
this survey in Chile.
Eduard Lucena
Móvil: +56962318010
GNU/Linux User #589060
Ubuntu User #8749
Fedora Ambassador Latam