Le 25 nov. 2011 à 20:11, Holger Schmuhl a écrit :
Free and Open Source Medical Taskforce
I propose the creation of a common mailing list such as "Free and Open Source Medical Taskforce opensourcemedical@XXX.XX" where all teamsdistro, and other open source medical webportal (medfloss, linuxmednews...) are automatically subscribed.
List that can be registered in each portal of each teams and also here
To ensure its visibility.
This list can be the central place to discuss the common tasks of our different projects, like: - medical or related projects to include/reject..., - common reviewing of apps, - licensing problems around some projects, - upstream contact, - central information about new release and version (may be package too) ...
I suggest someone to take the management of this list. The "manager" will be the one who contact each upstream of our medicals&related project to subscribe and discuss. If no one wants this role, I can take it.
That should not be that hard to do and can be a good start to any collaboration.
Ideas ? Comments ? Suggestions ? Oppositions ?
Thanks ----- Eric Maeker, MD (Fr) http://www.freemedforms.com http://www.ericmaeker.fr