Hi all,
I would like to submit our (Colocation Australia) EPEL mirror. The
mirror is hosted in Sydney Australia on a Gbit connection. It has been
added to the Fedora Account System.
Colocation Australia Pty Ltd <http://coloau.com.au>
Brad Hooper / Network Architect
brad(a)coloau.com.au <mailto:brad@coloau.com.au>/ +61 7 3106 3810
Colocation Australia Pty Ltd
Facebook <https://facebook.com/coloau> Twitter
<https://twitter.com/coloau> skype <skype:coloau-brad?call>
On Mon, Jul 11, 2016 at 05:26:14PM -0400, James Hayden wrote:
> Thanks. Added! How often are crawled sites re-indexed?
> Will continue adding the other locations now. Looking forward to contributing!
So, you hit a bug in our crawler:
I added the corresponding HTTP URLs to your hosts, so that the crawler
is now running. Please add the RSYNC URLs as soon as possible as HTTP
crawling is really ineffective.
You do not need to create a Site for each Host. You can add all Hosts
under one Site. But you can structure it any way you want.
The crawler runs twice a day, but as is could not handle a mirror with
only a HTTPS URL (see issue above) it disabled your mirror after two
Once the mirror is crawled it takes about an hour to re-create the
mirrorlist which is used by the clients. So in few hours you should see
the first clients connecting to your mirror.
Your mirror setup will be interesting as a our crawler will always hit
your LA node, so your CDN and our setup do not make much sense in
combination and crawling all your different URLs will always hit the LA
node. This means that the crawler will crawl multiple times the same
mirror. Let's see how this goes.
Thanks anyway for all your work getting this going for Fedora!
Thanks! That worked. Once I get one added then should be easy to get the rest going.
I've added US East location, I can see it under "My Sites" and that it has been crawled. How long before it shows up in the mirror list?
Thanks much!On Jul 7, 2016 12:57 AM, Adrian Reber <adrian(a)lisas.de> wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 05, 2016 at 05:50:43PM -0400, James Hayden wrote:
> > Created an account with "Fedora Account System" then followed the instructions on Wiki (https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/Mirroring#Registering_in_Mirr…) which state:
> >
> > "Registering in MirrorManager:
> > -- Log into mirrormanager using your FAS account.
> > -- Create a new Site.
> > -- create a new Host, and sign up that host for the Categories of content you'll carry..."
> >
> > After login to "https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mirrormanager/"
> > ...where is the "Create a new Site" button/link?
> If you click on 'My Sites' you should be able to create new Site.
> Adrian
We are a tech company with global presence of web servers and would love to contribute by becoming an official mirror.
We've deployed mirrors.evowise.com within our own CDN.
These are the specs that we are using:
CPU : 2 X Intel Xeon E5-2630 v3
64 Gb Ram
22T usable space (raid5)
10 Gbps connection (multiple tier 1 upstreams + local peerings).
Mirror addresses: http://mirrors.evowise.com/epel/, http://mirrors.evowise.com/fedora/
Sync schedule: hourly
Bandwidth: 10 Gbps connection (multiple tier 1 upstreams + local peerings).
Sponsor: Evowise
Sponsor URL: https://www.evowise.com/
Email contact: hayden(a)evowise.com
This mirror is sync'd over our CDN:
Bucharest, Romania,
London, UK
Milan, Italy
Madrid, Spain
New York, USA
Our mirror is using an Anycast IP. So the ip will route locally based on the country you are testing it from.
Kind regards,
Hayden James