On 1/31/2017 1:53 PM, admin(a)standaloneinstaller.com wrote:
> Hi,
> We are pleased to announce new Fedora Public Mirror and would like it to
> be listed on mirrors page.
> HTTP Mirror: http://mirrors.standaloneinstaller.com/fedora-epel
> RSYNC Mirror: rsync://mirrors.standaloneinstaller.com/fedora-epel
> Syncs: After every 6 hours
> Bandwidth: 1GBps
> Location: France
> Sponsor: Standalone Installer Software
> Sponsor URL: http://standaloneinstaller.com
> IPv4 address to authorize:
> IPv6 address to authorize: 2001:41d0:000b:073b::/64
> Email contact: admin(a)standaloneinstaller.com
> Thanks n Good Day,
> Sam Cohen-Brown
Good afternoon,
We operate a mirror server for a number of open source projects and have recently added an EPEL mirror to the server, we would like to be added to the mirror list please.
You can find our mirror at https://mirror.freethought-internet.co.uk <https://mirror.freethought-internet.co.uk/> ( / 2a00:b980:2:5::52) - it is also available via rsync and FTP.
The mirror is located in North London on a 1Gbps connection through our own network which is well peered in the UK and has excellent upstream connectivity providers where we do not peer.
We have registered a site and mirror etc into mirror manager under our hostmaster(a)freethought-internet.co.uk <mailto:hostmaster@freethought-internet.co.uk> username, and also subscribed lists(a)freethought-internet.co.uk <mailto:lists@freethought-internet.co.uk> the mailing list.
Please let me know if there is anything else we need to do,
Kieran Jones
Freethought Internet
T: 03300 882130
F: 03300 882139
D: 03300 882138 ext 300
E: kieran.jones(a)freethought-internet.co.uk
W: www.freethought-internet.co.uk
AS41000, Market Hosting and Pearspace are trading names of Freethought Internet Limited, registered in London No. 5862996. Our registered office is; The Old Church Hall, 2A Cromwell Street, Lincoln, LN2 5LP
Please note that from time to time Freethought Internet Limited and its subsidiaries may monitor email traffic and the content of email messages for the purposes of account management, security and staff training.
Whilst we try to ensure that all of our messages are free of viruses we can make no guarantees and advise you to check them with your own anti virus software.
Hello, we at Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana are interested to
become a Linux Fedora Public Mirror for versions (24 and 25), could you
please tell us what are the requirements
Site: mirror.upb.edu.co
Bandwidth: 300Mb
Sync schedule: 4 times day
Location: Medellin, Antioquia, Colombia
Sponsor: Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
Sponsor URL: http://www.upb.edu.co
Mantainer: Edwin Gomez
Mantainer Email : edwin.gomez(a)upb.edu.co
IPv4 address to authorize:
IPv6 address to authorize: 2801:190:0:A010:0:200:50C8:7B09
Thanks in advance
*Edwin Vladimir Gómez Atuesta.*| Arquitecto Infraestructura | Centro de
Tecnologínas de Información y Comunicación | Universidad Pontificia
Bolivariana | Circular 1 No. 70-01, Bloque 6 oficina 606. Medellín,
COLOMBIA | Tel: +57(4)448 83 88 | Ext. 13267
edwin.gomez(a)upb.edu.co <%3Ca%20href=> | www.upb.edu.co
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