humaton opened a new pull-request against the project: `pungi-fedora` that you are following: `` Prepare f34 Beta ``
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kevin commented on the pull-request: `Prepare f34 Beta` that you are following: `` Looks good to me.
We will also need to make sure compose-x86-01 has the same version of pungi as compose* do so there's no pungi surprises. :) ``
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mohanboddu commented on the pull-request: `Prepare f34 Beta` that you are following: `` Its missing `#`, this should be `git+ ``
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mohanboddu commented on the pull-request: `Prepare f34 Beta` that you are following: `` This should be `1.1` ``
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mohanboddu commented on the pull-request: `Prepare f34 Beta` that you are following: `` This should be `f34` ``
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mohanboddu commented on the pull-request: `Prepare f34 Beta` that you are following: `` This should be `f34` ``
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mohanboddu commented on the pull-request: `Prepare f34 Beta` that you are following: `` This should be `f34` ``
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mohanboddu commented on the pull-request: `Prepare f34 Beta` that you are following: `` A bunch of appliance creator stuff has been removed and also changed some configs
Please make the necessary changes accordingly. ``
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mohanboddu commented on the pull-request: `Prepare f34 Beta` that you are following: `` No more vmdk images. ``
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mohanboddu commented on the pull-request: `Prepare f34 Beta` that you are following: `` Missing `Fedora-Cloud-Base-GCP` image ``
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mohanboddu commented on the pull-request: `Prepare f34 Beta` that you are following: `` Missing `Fedora-Python-Classroom` image ``
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mohanboddu commented on the pull-request: `Prepare f34 Beta` that you are following: `` `Fedora-30` ``
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mohanboddu commented on the pull-request: `Prepare f34 Beta` that you are following: `` `Fedora-30` ``
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mohanboddu commented on the pull-request: `Prepare f34 Beta` that you are following: `` `Fedora-30` ``
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mohanboddu commented on the pull-request: `Prepare f34 Beta` that you are following: `` `11` ``
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mohanboddu commented on the pull-request: `Prepare f34 Beta` that you are following: `` Missing `Fedora-SoaS` image ``
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mohanboddu commented on the pull-request: `Prepare f34 Beta` that you are following: `` `Fedora-30` ``
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mohanboddu commented on the pull-request: `Prepare f34 Beta` that you are following: `` `Fedora-30` ``
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mohanboddu commented on the pull-request: `Prepare f34 Beta` that you are following: `` Missing `Fedora-i3-Live` image ``
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mohanboddu merged a pull-request against the project: `pungi-fedora` that you are following.
Merged pull-request:
`` Prepare f34 Beta ``