I'm organizing a FAD on EtherPad for October. This totally uncharted
territory, so its exciting and kinda crazy. Planning is going on here:
Why am I writing you? I need to find some more serious Java/build
system/packaging people for the event. The FAD purpose is going to require
some Ant/Maven work, some Java project refactoring, some best-practices
Java-fedora packaging. I've emailed java-devel, but no luck so far.
Do you have skillz? Do you live near Boston? Are you that
awesome propeller head person I need? Do you /know/ that awesome Java person
I need? Contact me! Its gonna be great!
Campus people,
Anyone from BC, BU, MIT, Harvard, Wellesley? Know some Fedora hackers or
J2EE people. The event in general is totally open, and I'd love have
students from all surrounding colleges come (so we should talk more). But
for now, I'm really looking to pull in some strong Java/Ant/Maven/packaging
people for organizational purposes. Know someone? Any LUGs I should be
P.S. You've probably never heard of Olin College, but you should
totally look at the crazy higher-ed experiment we're running:
Since it's been a while since our last meeting, and that I haven't
really heard anything since even through email, I thought I'd ask to see
what's going on and when our next meeting is. :P
Thanks for your time.
Danny Stieben
Fedora Ambassador