Hey folks!
Yesterday the os-control01.stg machine was reinstalled as RHEL9.
Unfortunately there was a script on there that I forgot to backup. I
would like, if possible, to retreive it.
The old VM disk is still on the VM server as
I tried to naively mount it but it's a block device, not a partition. I
tried to mount it with the offset that fdisk gives me for the root
# mount -o offset=$((512*5244928)),other,options,here
/dev/vg_guests/os-control01.stg.iad2.fedoraproject.org-el7 /mnt/tmpextract/
mount: /mnt/tmpextract: unknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member'.
But as you can see it's an LVM volume so I can't use it directly.
I don't want to risk polluting the main LVM setup on the machine, so if
know of a way to read files from old VM disks I'm interested.
The file I'd like to get is /usr/local/bin/jobs-summary. It's not a huge
loss but it's still a few hours of work.
And if we find a good way of doing this we may want to add it to our
SOPs in case it happens again in the future :-)