Hi everyone,
I'm a newbie to fedora group. My FAS username is "yisupeng". I've been following the 'Getting started' wiki page and look forward to join the infrastructure group. I'm a Master student in Computer Science and I'm experienced in C/C++, bash, python, etc. I'd worked as a system administrator managing a lot of virtual machines that were used as compiling platforms. The systems used were CentOS. We also used the Jenkins as our CI platform. This link contains some other information. https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/infrastructure@lists.fedorapro... Thanks for reading.
Yisu Peng
On 11/09/2016 09:03 PM, Yisu Peng wrote:
Hi everyone,
I'm a newbie to fedora group. My FAS username is "yisupeng". I've been following the 'Getting started' wiki page and look forward to join the infrastructure group. I'm a Master student in Computer Science and I'm experienced in C/C++, bash, python, etc. I'd worked as a system administrator managing a lot of virtual machines that were used as compiling platforms. The systems used were CentOS. We also used the Jenkins as our CI platform. This link contains some other information. https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/infrastructure@lists.fedorapro... Thanks for reading.
Yisu Peng
Hi Yisu, and welcome! Looks like nobody replied to your previous introduction – sorry about that! Thanks for following up again on the list.
It looks like you've already been through the Getting Started and Apprentice program pages. As far as getting you added to the group, there should be someone else on the list that can help take care of this for you.
Once you are added to the group, you should consider looking through some of the easyfix tickets for ideas on things you can help get started. It looks like there's a lot of documentation-related tickets highlighted here now. Some of these could be a good way to get a better understanding about some of the tools and services within Fedora's infrastructure.
If you are able to make the meeting times, you are more than welcome to attend! But if not, we can still coordinate at other times in IRC or on the mailing list. I recommend looking through some of the tickets in the Fedora Infrastructure Pagure for ideas on things you may be interested in helping with. If something looks interesting, don't hesitate to ask questions in the ticket or on the list. We're more than happy to help guide you with getting started!
In case you don't hear back here, try hopping in #fedora-admin to be sponsored into the Apprenticeship group later.
Hope to see you around!
On Thu, 10 Nov 2016 02:03:13 -0000 "Yisu Peng" yisupeng@fedoraproject.org wrote:
Hi everyone,
I'm a newbie to fedora group. My FAS username is "yisupeng". I've been following the 'Getting started' wiki page and look forward to join the infrastructure group. I'm a Master student in Computer Science and I'm experienced in C/C++, bash, python, etc. I'd worked as a system administrator managing a lot of virtual machines that were used as compiling platforms. The systems used were CentOS. We also used the Jenkins as our CI platform. This link contains some other information. https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/infrastructure@lists.fedorapro... Thanks for reading.
Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. (Thanks jflory for greeting folks!)
I've added you to the apprentice group. Hope to see you at our meeting later today or on-line. ;)
On Thu, 10 Nov 2016 02:03:13 -0000 "Yisu Peng" <yisupeng(a)fedoraproject.org> wrote:
Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. (Thanks jflory for greeting folks!)
I've added you to the apprentice group. Hope to see you at our meeting later today or on-line. ;)
Thanks for sponsor me, Kevin. Also jflory thanks for the useful instructions. I would love to join the IRC meeting, but unfortunately I need to take a class at the same time. I'll try to find if there is something in the issue list that I can help with. Thank you again!