Jasper, thanks for your kind reply.
I was finally successful in creating the liveCD using Core 5.
It was a cake walk. Now after having boot with the liveCD,
I am not able to login into the system. What is the root password ?
Thanks in advance.
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Now that I have a working liveCD, I have some quick questions
1) I see that liveCD does not have grub on it, so how do we tell that the kernel memory
size should not exceed a certain limit in liveCD ? We can do that in grub by saying
mem=blah on the line that specifies the kernel boot image ?
2) The boot (vmlinuz) image which is not part of any rpm, I think is picked up by anaconda/kadischi
from /boot of my system right ? Now, I will be installing a custom 2.6.15 kernel on my box.
How do I tell kadischi to pick that one and the corresponding vmlinuz/initrd images for the liveCD ?
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I just want to add a new package of my own: "xtrainstall-1.0-1.i386.rpm"
I added
in the %packages specification for ks file. This package is installed on my
system and I have also copied the RPM into the Fedora/RPMS repository
used for creating the live CD. I am encountering this from anaconda:
"You have specified that the package 'xtrainstall' should be installed. This package does not exist. Would you like to continue or abort your installation?"
Why is that ?
BTW, I have edited the comps.xml in Fedora/base, to have xtrainstall listed
as a "Base" package. And rpm group info for this xtrainstall rpm that I have created is "System Environment/Base". (In comps.xml there is only "Base" I dont see anything
listed as "System Environment").
Thanks in advance.
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I noticed this release run by distrowatch. It looks like a fairly mature fc5
livecd. Possibly a useful resource to consider for livecd generator features.
The most interesting thing I see about this project (other than it's nv/ati
driver inclusion... they're less paranoid than kororaa (sp?)) is it's use of
"translucency" as an alternative unionfs implementation.
My own livecd generating tool is still a few days from alpha, and even then,
probably still far behind this project, or the recent centos-4.3 livecd I fired
up under qemu last week. But I'll certainly use those isos and any posted here
as targets to try to improve upon.
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Two questions:
1. Is there anything in kadischi, that prevents us from creating a liveDVD ?
i.e. is the ISO image we create restricted to 700MB or so ?
2. When I boot with my liveCD, I am prompted with a GUI for network/firewall
configuration stuff ? How do I suppress this ? I need to make my liveCD completely
non-interactive. How is this done ?
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I just want to add a new package of my own: "xtrainstall-1.0-1.i386.rpm"
I added
in the %packages specification for ks file. This package is installed on my
system and I have also copied the RPM into the Fedora/RPMS repository
used for creating the live CD. I am encountering this from anaconda:
"You have specified that the package 'xtrainstall' should be installed. This package does not exist. Would you like to continue or abort your installation?"
Why is that ?
Thanks in advance.
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I am new to Kadischi. I checked out the latest, built it and tried to
run it. I got into Anaconda. After I selected a keyboard layout, I got
a dialog box:
An error occurred when attempting to load an installer interface
className = KeyboardWindow
At this point, the output traces is like so:
kadischi /var/ftp/pub/fc5/FC-5-i386-DVD.iso/ /tmp/test.iso
Starting kadischi...
Parsing command line arguments
Checking UID
Using buildstamp file /etc/kadischi/buildstamp.
Product path set to Fedora.
Now we are going to try to validate your repository (for now, only http, ftp and local repositories can be checked)
Path /var/ftp/pub/fc5/FC-5-i386-DVD.iso exists. OK
Path /var/ftp/pub/fc5/FC-5-i386-DVD.iso/Fedora exists. OK
Path /var/ftp/pub/fc5/FC-5-i386-DVD.iso/Fedora/base exists. OK
Path /var/ftp/pub/fc5/FC-5-i386-DVD.iso/Fedora/RPMS exists. OK
Repository seems to be OK.
Checking required packages
Looking for config file
Loading config file options
Path /tmp/product/.buildstamp already exists, temporarly moving to /tmp/livecd-build_no3/.buildstamp
*** running anaconda ***
Probing for video card: nVidia Corporation NV18 [GeForce4 MX 4000 AGP 8x]
Probing for monitor type: Unknown monitor
Starting graphical installation...
No module named firstboot_module_window
When I hit "Exit", the following is added to the trace, and the
program hangs until I use control-c to quit the program.
*** anaconda has finished the job ***
What am I missing? Besides a kickstart file, of course.
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Key fingerprint = CE5C 6645 A45A 64E4 94C0 809C FFF6 4C48 4ECD DFDB
I've spent a little bit of time in the past day or so cleaning up some
of the anaconda interactions which had regressed for the live CD case.
Those changes should all be in the anaconda in tomorrow's development
tree push. I've also put up a src.rpm of a snapshot of what I've
currently got at http://people.redhat.com/~katzj/livecd/. Also, the
kickstart configs in the contrib directory take advantage of the new
user-adding and service handling functionality in kickstart
Jasper -- did you get any further with the changes for the initramfs to
handle a squashfs loopdev? If not, I'll probably look at that tomorrow
as that's one of the big things being done differently[1] between
kadischi and my stuff.
[1] Other things that are different from looking through changelogs are
a) I'm not doing interactive prompting about users, etc -- but I think
it's better there to work out how to get firstboot working rather than
lots of special case scripting.
b) No bootsplash stuff. But this should just be done in booty similar
to what is done for grub bootsplashes.
c) The booty isolinux code doesn't currently handle xen kernels. Should
be relatively straight-forward if someone wants to take a look
I am running fedora core 4 *not* core 5.
I dont think anaconda-11.xxx is available for
the fedora core 4. When I attempt to install the
anaconda-11 (rpm from rpmfind.net) on my system it yells for half a dozen
dependencies including glibc 2.4.
So do I need to install Fedore core 5 to get this
kadischi working ? Is that it ?
Also, when this LiveCD is generated, is there a way
it can be used to perfrom an installtion on a PC ?
> Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 09:33:01 +0200
> From: "Chitlesh GOORAH" <chitlesh(a)fedoraproject.org>
> Subject: Re: [Fedora-livecd-list] kadischi: KeyError
> To: sheshu(a)email.com, fedora-livecd-list(a)redhat.com
> Message-ID:
> <13dbfe4f0605150033o17e51da7s8ed5ff62cebd87b(a)mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> On 5/15/06, Sheshadrivasan B <sheshv(a)hotmail.com> wrote:
> > Jasper,
> >
> > The anaconda version is:
> >
> > [root@localhost ~]# rpm -q anaconda
> > anaconda-
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Shesh.
> Hello,
> I suggest that you update it
> rpm -q anaconda
> anaconda-11.0.5-1
> >
> >
> > From: "Jasper O'neal Hartline" <jasperhartline(a)adelphia.net>
> > Subject: Re: [Fedora-livecd-list] kadischi: KeyError
> > To: fedora-livecd-list(a)redhat.com
> > Message-ID: <44648586.20605(a)adelphia.net>
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
> >
> > Sheshadrivasan B wrote:
> >
> > >3) I then tried making the sample minimal-livecd as below and encountered "KeyError"
> > >
> > >Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
> > >-Shesh.
> > >
> > >Traceback (most recent call last):
> > > File "/usr/src/build/573771-i386/install//usr/lib/anaconda/gui.py", line 873, in nextClicked
> > > self.dispatch.gotoNext()
> > > File "/usr/src/build/573771-i386/install//usr/lib/anaconda/dispatch.py", line 174, in gotoNext
> > > self.moveStep()
> > > File "/usr/src/build/573771-i386/install//usr/lib/anaconda/dispatch.py", line 242, in moveStep
> > > rc = apply(func, self.bindArgs(args))
> > > File "/usr/src/build/573771-i386/install//usr/lib/anaconda/packages.py", line 207, in readPackages
> > > id.instClass.setGroupSelection(grpset, intf)
> > > File "/usr/src/build/573771-i386/install//usr/lib/anaconda/kickstart.py", line 1559, in setGroupSelection
> > > pkgs = grpset.hdrlist.pkgnames[name]
> > >KeyError: ''
> > >
> > >
> > What Anaconda release is this?
> > Can you provide the output of rpm -q anaconda ?
> >
> > J. Hartline
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The anaconda version is:
[root@localhost ~]# rpm -q anaconda
From: "Jasper O'neal Hartline" <jasperhartline(a)adelphia.net>
Subject: Re: [Fedora-livecd-list] kadischi: KeyError
To: fedora-livecd-list(a)redhat.com
Message-ID: <44648586.20605(a)adelphia.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
Sheshadrivasan B wrote:
>3) I then tried making the sample minimal-livecd as below and encountered "KeyError"
>Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
>Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "/usr/src/build/573771-i386/install//usr/lib/anaconda/gui.py", line 873, in nextClicked
> self.dispatch.gotoNext()
> File "/usr/src/build/573771-i386/install//usr/lib/anaconda/dispatch.py", line 174, in gotoNext
> self.moveStep()
> File "/usr/src/build/573771-i386/install//usr/lib/anaconda/dispatch.py", line 242, in moveStep
> rc = apply(func, self.bindArgs(args))
> File "/usr/src/build/573771-i386/install//usr/lib/anaconda/packages.py", line 207, in readPackages
> id.instClass.setGroupSelection(grpset, intf)
> File "/usr/src/build/573771-i386/install//usr/lib/anaconda/kickstart.py", line 1559, in setGroupSelection
> pkgs = grpset.hdrlist.pkgnames[name]
>KeyError: ''
What Anaconda release is this?
Can you provide the output of rpm -q anaconda ?
J. Hartline
Join the next generation of Hotmail and you could win the adventure of a lifetime