Greetings Magazine team!
We at CommOps are aiming to generate metrics for Fedora Magazine which can provide us with interesting insights about the articles we post.
To better achieve the goals, we would love to know what kind of metrics we can collect that can prove to be helpful for the Magazine team and eventually benefit the Fedora Project as a whole.
Please reply to this email or comment on the Pagure ticket[1] and help us understand the requirements.
On 01/15/2018 01:03 PM, Dhanesh B. Sabane wrote:
Greetings Magazine team!
We at CommOps are aiming to generate metrics for Fedora Magazine which can provide us with interesting insights about the articles we post.
To better achieve the goals, we would love to know what kind of metrics we can collect that can prove to be helpful for the Magazine team and eventually benefit the Fedora Project as a whole.
Please reply to this email or comment on the Pagure ticket[1] and help us understand the requirements.
Hey all, it would be helpful to have the team discuss this and provide feedback in a ticket comment or mailing list post before next Friday, Jan. 26.
The specific goal is look into fedmsg integration via the WordPress REST API. Ideally, this allows us to automate the creation of helpful, insightful metrics about the performance of the Magazine, both to help the editing team and also help other teams in Fedora understand what our user base is interested and engaged in.
For example, I'd be interested in seeing our best-performing categories and tags, to help evaluate key interest areas. Other ideas are the usual metrics Ryan and Paul put together at the end of the year.
It would be helpful to have the "metrics wishlist" either as a comment in the ticket linked above, or to be listed here on the mailing list. This will support one of the discussion topics at the CommOps FAD at the end of the month.
If possible, please try and discuss this before next Friday, Jan. 26. CommOps is hoping to help drive better insights to the Magazine with this info. :)
On Wed, Jan 17, 2018 at 09:14:56AM -0500, Justin W. Flory wrote:
On 01/15/2018 01:03 PM, Dhanesh B. Sabane wrote:
Greetings Magazine team!
We at CommOps are aiming to generate metrics for Fedora Magazine which can provide us with interesting insights about the articles we post.
To better achieve the goals, we would love to know what kind of metrics we can collect that can prove to be helpful for the Magazine team and eventually benefit the Fedora Project as a whole.
Please reply to this email or comment on the Pagure ticket[1] and help us understand the requirements.
Hey all, it would be helpful to have the team discuss this and provide feedback in a ticket comment or mailing list post before next Friday, Jan. 26.
The specific goal is look into fedmsg integration via the WordPress REST API. Ideally, this allows us to automate the creation of helpful, insightful metrics about the performance of the Magazine, both to help the editing team and also help other teams in Fedora understand what our user base is interested and engaged in.
For example, I'd be interested in seeing our best-performing categories and tags, to help evaluate key interest areas. Other ideas are the usual metrics Ryan and Paul put together at the end of the year.
It would be helpful to have the "metrics wishlist" either as a comment in the ticket linked above, or to be listed here on the mailing list. This will support one of the discussion topics at the CommOps FAD at the end of the month.
If possible, please try and discuss this before next Friday, Jan. 26. CommOps is hoping to help drive better insights to the Magazine with this info. :)
Unfortunately, my time is really short during the next two weeks due to a job change. I don't expect to be able to drive this. Hopefully Ryan can get a consensus on what metrics we need and send those to the ticket.
The suggestions that came with the proposal seem like a pretty good place to start. They echo the stats we usually look at each week/month/year. Tags are used inconsistently so I'm not sure how well we can base any analysis on them. Categories, however, seem to be more consistent, especially throughout 2017.